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In American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology November 2022 227(5):735-735
Nepogodiev, Dmitri
Siaw-Acheampong, Kwabena
Benson, Ruth A.
Bywater, Edward
Chaudhry, Daoud
Dawson, Brett E.
Evans, Jonathan P.
Glasbey, James C.
Gujjuri, Rohan R.
Heritage, Emily
Jones, Conor S.
Kamarajah, Sivesh K.
Khatri, Chetan
Khaw, Rachel A.
Keatley, James M.
Knight, Andrew
Lawday, Samuel
Li, Elizabeth
Mann, Harvinder S.
Marson, Ella J.
McLean, Kenneth A.
Mckay, Siobhan C.
Mills, Emily C.
Pellino, Gianluca
Picciochi, Maria
Taylor, Elliott H.
Tiwari, Abhinav
Simoes, Joana FF.
Trout, Isobel M.
Venn, Mary L.
Wilkin, Richard JW.
Bhangu, Aneel
Abbott, Tom EF.
Abukhalaf, Sadi
Adamina, Michel
Ademuyiwa, Adesoji O.
Agarwal, Arnav
Akkulak, Murat
Alameer, Ehab
Alderson, Derek
Alakaloko, Felix
Albertsmeier, Markus
Alser, Osaid
Alshaar, Muhammad
Alshryda, Sattar
Arnaud, Alexis P.
Augestad, Knut Magne
Ayasra, Faris
Azevedo, José
Bankhead-Kendall, Brittany K.
Barlow, Emma
Beard, David
Blanco-Colino, Ruth
Brar, Amanpreet
Minaya-Bravo, Ana
Breen, Kerry A.
Bretherton, Chris
Buarque, Igor Lima
Burke, Joshua
Caruana, Edward J.
Chaar, Mohammad
Chakrabortee, Sohini
Christensen, Peter
Cox, Daniel
Cukier, Moises
Cunha, Miguel F.
Davidson, Giana H.
Desai, Anant
Di Saverio, Salomone
Drake, Thomas M.
Edwards, John G.
Elhadi, Muhammed
Emile, Sameh
Farik, Shebani
Fiore, Marco
Fitzgerald, J Edward
Ford, Samuel
Garmanova, Tatiana
Gallo, Gaetano
Ghosh, Dhruva
Ataíde Gomes, Gustavo Mendonça
Grecinos, Gustavo
Griffiths, Ewen A.
Gruendl, Magdalena
Halkias, Constantine
Harrison, Ewen M.
Hisham, Intisar
Hutchinson, Peter J.
Hwang, Shelley
Isik, Arda
Jenkinson, Michael D.
Jonker, Pascal
MA Kaafarani, Haytham
Keller, Debby
Kolias, Angelos
Kruijff, Schelto
Lawani, Ismail
Lederhuber, Hans
Leventoglu, Sezai
Litvin, Andrey
Loehrer, Andrew
Löffler, Markus W.
Lorena, Maria Aguilera
Modolo, Maria Marta
Major, Piotr
Martin, Janet
Mashbari, Hassan N.
Mazingi, Dennis
Metallidis, Symeon
Mohan, Helen M.
Moore, Rachel
Moszkowicz, David
Moug, Susan
Ng-Kamstra, Joshua S.
Maimbo, Mayaba
Negoi, Ionut
Niquen, Milagros
Ntirenganya, Faustin
Olivos, Maricarmen
Oussama, Kacimi
Outani, Oumaima
Parreno-Sacdalanm, Marie Dione
Pata, Francesco
Perez Rivera, Carlos Jose
Pinkney, Thomas D.
van der Plas, Willemijn
Pockney, Peter
Qureshi, Ahmad
Radenkovic, Dejan
Ramos-De la Medina, Antonio
Richards, Toby
Roberts, Keith
Roslani, April C.
Rutegård, Martin
Segura-Sampedro, Juan José
Santos, Irène
Satoi, Sohei
Sayyed, Raza
Schache, Andrew
Schnitzbauer, Andreas A.
Seyi-Olajide, Justina O.
Sharma, Neil
Shaw, Catherine A.
Shaw, Richard
Shu, Sebastian
Soreide, Kjetil
Spinelli, Antonino
Stewart, Grant D.
Sund, Malin
Sundar, Sudha
Tabiri, Stephen
Townend, Philip
Tsoulfas, Georgios
van Ramshorst, Gabrielle H.
Vidya, Raghavan
Vimalachandran, Dale
Warren, Oliver J.
Wedderburn, Duane
Wright, Naomi
Booth, Lesley
Barker, Neil
Cooke, Shirley
Doré, Suzanne
Horwood, Nigel
Runigamugabo, Emmy
Weir, Carrie Tierney
Dajti I, Albania
C, Allemand
LA, Boccalatte
M, Figari
M, Lamm
J, Larrañaga
C, Marchitelli
F, Noll
D, Odetto
M, Perrotta
J, Saadi
L, Zamora
Ballester, A.M.
KE, Tapper
N, Zeff
JI, Valenzuela
C, Alurralde
J, Anastasio
Perez de Nucci A, Apas
EL, Caram
D, Eskinazi
JP, Mendoza
M, Usandivaras
R, Badra
A, Esteban
JS, García
PM, García
JI, Gerchunoff
Lucchini, S.M.
NIgra, M.A.
L, Vargas
T, Hovhannisyan
A, Stepanyan
CE, Vasey
EGR, Watson
C, Ip
J, Kealey
CSH, Lim
S, Sengupta
S, Ward
E, Wong
T, Gould
R, Gourlay
B, Griffiths
S, Gananadha
M, McLaren
J, Cecire
N, Joshi
S, Salindera
A, Sutherland
JH, Ahn
G, Charlton
S, Chen
N, Gauri
R, Hayhurst
S, Jang
F, Jia
C, Mulligan
W, Yang
G, Ye
H, Zhang
M, Ballal
D, Gibson
D, Hayne
H, McMillan
J, Moss
MJ, Pugliese
T, Richards
YTN, Seow
A, Thian
P, Viswambaram
UG, Vo
J, Bennetts
T, Bright
Brooke-Smith, M.
R, Fong
B, Gricks
L, Huang
YH, Lam
A, Nathan
Ong, B.S.
E, Ooi
M, Szpytma
D, Watson
K, Bagraith
S, Caird
E, Chan
C, Dawson
D, Ho
N, Hui
S, Izwan
E, Jeyarajan
S, Jordan
R, Liang
A, Lim
GJ, Nolan
A, Oar
D, Parker
H, Puhalla
A, Quennell
L, Rutherford
C, Sommerville
P, Townend
Papen M, Von
M, Wullschleger
AC, Dawson
A, Drane
A, Blatt
D, Cope
N, Egoroff
M, Fenton
J, Gani
N, Lott
P, Pockney
N, Shugg
M, Elliott
D, Phung
D, Phan
D, Townend
C, Bong
J, Gundara
A, Frankel
S, Bowman
GR, Guerra
N, Gerns
S, McGeorge
A, Riddell
M, Roberts
N, Rukin
J, Bolt
K, Buddingh
Dudi-Venkata, N.N.
S, Jog
HM, Kroon
T, Sammour
R, Smith
C, Stranz
M, Batstone
K, Lah
W, McGahan
D, Mitchell
A, Morton
A, Pearce
G, Sheahan
B, Swinson
A, Waldron
P, Walker
N, Alam
S, Banting
L, Chong
P, Choong
S, Clatworthy
D, Foley
A, Fox
MW, Hii
B, Knowles
J, Mack
M, Read
A, Rowcroft
G, Wright
EWY, Lun
M, Lanner
J, Burtscher
Trivik-Barrientos, F.
I, Königsrainer
M, Bauer
C, Freyschlag
M, Kafka
F, Messner
D, Öfner
I, Tsibulak
S, Holawe
M, Zimmermann
K, Emmanuel
M, Grechenig
R, Gruber
M, Harald
L, Öhlberger
J, Presl
A, Wimmer
İ, Namazov
E, Samadov
D, Barker
R, Boyce
S, Corbin
A, Doyle
A, Eastmond
R, Gill
A, Haynes
S, Millar
M, O’Shea
G, Padmore
N, Paquette
E, Phillips
John S, St.
K, Walkes
J, Abeloos
Backer T, De
Ceulaer J, De
C, Dick
Diez-Fraile, A.
P, Lamoral
C, Spaas
W, Ceelen
P, Pattyn
D, Van de putte
Nieuwenhove Y, Van
Ramshorst G, Van
Willaert, W.
Bazzett-Matabele, L.
SP, Chiyapo
Ramogola-Masire, D.
G, Ramontshonyana
A, Seiphetlheng
P, Vuylsteke
EA, Abdallah
Júnior S, Aguiar
G, Baiocchi
GB, Carvalho
FJF, Coimbra
LP, Kowalski
F, Makdissi
N, Marques
T, Marques
Santos S, Soares Dos
Gonçalves B, Tirapelli
JG, Vartanian
Reis R, Dos
P, Camara
Lima RK, De
Giustina E, Della
PV, Hoffmann
A, Gatti
C, Nardi
R, Oliva
L, Nacif
Ferro C, Carvalho
Ataíde G, Gomes Mendonça
Buarque I, Lima
A, Lira dos Santos Leite
Pol-Fachin, L.
Bezerra T, Santos
Ramos da Silva A, Maylson
de Araújo Silvestre D, Windson
Barros A, Vieira
L, Campbell
Cicco R, De
I, Cecconello
P, Gregorio
Lima L, Pontual
Junior U, Ribeiro
FR, Takeda
RM, Terra
Teixeira M, Faccini
Kulcsar, M.A.V.
LL, Matos
KS, Nunes
G, Laporte
M, Salem
Awada J, Barakat
TR, Ijichi
NJ, Kim
A, Marreiro
B, Muller
R, Nunes
B, Bodanese
ER, Eidt
JC, Isoton
Vieira da Cunha M, Lemos
de Sampaio L, Regina
C, Vendrame
M, Zeni
JA, Zortéa
MR, Zortéa
M, Sokolov
B, Kidane
S, Srinathan
A, Munro
L, Helyer
D, McKeen
M, Boutros
NG, Caminsky
G, Ghitulescu
G, Jamjoum
J, Moon
J, Pelletier
T, Vanounou
S, Wong
D, Cheng
SD, MacNeil
J, Martin
S, Dumitra
A, Kouyoumdjian
S, Schmid
J, Spicer
A, Agarwal
A, Brar
J, Dada
A, Dare
U, Hameed
F, Osman
B, Johnston
C, Russell
G, Groot
A, Persad
H, Pham
M, Wood
M, Ko
L, Rajendran
S, Demyttenaere
R, Garfinkle
C, Brown
A, Karimuddin
N, Lee
J, Liu
Kia T, Madani
Phang, P.T.
M, Raval
K, Tom
Abou-Khalil, J.
A, Martel
C, Nessim
J, Stevenson
Riyami S, Al
K, Bali
D, Bigam
K, Dajani
A, Dell
MM, Modolo
Nieto P, Ramirez
R, Sepulveda
A, Molero
A, Bolbaran
I, Ruiz
F, Heredia
F, Bellolio
N, Besser
E, Grasset
JO, Guaman
M, Inzunza
MJ, Irarrázaval
C, Jarry
Martinic M, Quintana
Altamirano C, Riquoir
Manqui CA, Romero
Esquide M, Ruiz
Añazco C, Vargas
A, Almeciga
A, Fletcher
A, Merchan
T, Quijano
D, Sanabria
Arias-Amézquita, F.
C, Cétares
Murgueitio N, Cortes
Gomez-Mayorga, J.L.
Herrera-Almario, G.
J, Rodriguez
P, Iglesias
LO, Puentes
JA, Calvache
Orozco-Chamorro, C.M.
DA, Rojas
Sánchez-Gómez, A.
M, Abadia
J, Acosta
Aristizabal J, Angel
A, Bonilla
L, Caicedo
Quiroz PH, Calderon
Bonilla S, Cervera
S, Diaz
H, Facundo
Mora M, Garcia
O, Guevara
L, Guzman
Mora DR, Herrera
Ramirez LJ, Jimenez
C, Lehmann
E, Manrique
I, Mariño
M, Medina
Morales RE, Pinilla
A, Puerto
Horta J, Puerto
M, Quintero
Ferro M, Rey
A, Saénz
D, Santana
W, Serrano
O, Suescun
Sanchez LM, Trujillo
Cuasquen BG, Velasquez
Quevedo J , Bogota, Mendoza
G, Bačić
D, Karlović
D, Kršul
M, Zelić
I, Luksic
M, Mamic
I, Bacic
B, Bakmaz
I, Ćoza
E, Dijan
Z, Katusic
J, Mihanovic
D, Morović
I, Rakvin
H, Almezghwi
K, Arslan
H, Besim
A, Özant
N, Özçay
K, Frantzeskou
N, Gouvas
G, Kokkinos
P, Papatheodorou
I, Pozotou
O, Stavrinidou
A, Yiallourou
L, Martinek
M, Skrovina
M, Straka
I, Szubota
M, Peteja
J, Žatecký
V, Javurkova
J, Klat
S, Antony
T, Avlund
KD, Berg
M, Borre
P, Christensen
MC, Elkjær
A, Ernst
SK, Fensman
M, Haldrup
JL, Harbjerg
LH, Iversen
Jensen, P.T.
TD, Jeppesen
DW, Kjaer
HØ, Kristensen
N, Lund
Axelsen S, Maigaard
M, Mekhael
N, Mikic
EB, Ostenfeld
AL, Ebbehøj
P, Krarup
N, Schlesinger
H, Smith
S, Batista
A, Crespo
PJ, Díaz
R, Rivas
Rodriguez-Abreu, J.
N, Tactuk
Kassas M, El
W, Omar
A, Tawheed
M, Talaat
A, Abdelsamed
AY, Azzam
H, Salem
A, Seleim
A, Abdelmajeed
M, Abdou
NE, Abosamak
Sayed M, A.L.
F, Ashoush
R, Atta
E, Elazzazy
M, Elnemr
Hewalla ME, Elsayed
I, Elsherbini
E, Essam
M, Ewedah
I, Ghallab
E, Hassan
M, Ibrahim
M, Metwalli
M, Mourad
Qatora, M.S.
M, Ragab
A, Sabry
H, Saifeldin
A, Samih
Abdelaal A, Samir
S, Shehata
K, Shenit
D, Attia
N, Kamal
N, Osman
Abbas, A.M.
Elazeem HAS, Abd
Abd-Elkariem, A.Y.
MM, Abdelkarem
S, Alaa
M, Ashraf
A, Ayman
MG, Azizeldine
H, Elkhayat
Mashhour A, Emad
M, Gaber
HM, Hamza
I, Hawal
HF, Hetta
Ali A, K.
S, M.elghazaly
MM, Mohammed
FA, Monib
Nageh, M.A.
A, Saad
MM, Saad
M, Shahine
EA, Yousof
A, Youssef
El-Deeb, M.
M, Fawzy
G, Ghaly
M, Ibraheem
A, Eldaly
E, Esmail
M, ElFiky
A, Nabil
M, Alrahawy
A, Sakr
H, Soliman
H, Soltan
G, Amira
I, Sallam
M, Sherief
A, Sherif
A, Abdelrahman
H, Aboulkassem
R, Hamdy
A, Morsi
G, Sherif
H, Abdeldayem
Salama I, Abdelkader
M, Balabel
Y, Fayed
AE, Sherif
R, Elmorsi
S, Emile
B, Refky
S, Abd-elsalam
H, Badr
M, Elbahnasawy
M, Elzoghby
M, Essa
Badr S, Gamal
A, Ghoneim
O, Hamad
M, Hamada
M, Hammad
A, Hawila
Morsy, M.S.
S, Salman
S, Sarsik
K, Bekele
JH, Kauppila
E, Sarjanoja
O, Helminen
H, Huhta
C, Beyrne
L, Jouffret
L, Lugans
Marie-Macron, L.
E, Chouillard
Simone B, De
F, Fredon
A, Roux
J, Bettoni
S, Dakpé
B, Devauchelle
N, Lavagen
S, Testelin
S, Boucher
R, Breheret
A, Gueutier
A, Kahn
Kün-Darbois, J.
A, Barrabe
Z, Lakkis
A, Louvrier
S, Manfredelli
P, Mathieu
A, Chebaro
V, Drubay
M, El amrani
C, Eveno
K, Lecolle
G, Legault
L, Martin
G, Piessen
FR, Pruvot
S, Truant
P, Zerbib
Q, Ballouhey
B, Barrat
L, Fourcade
J, Laloze
H, Salle
A, Taibi
J, Tricard
J, Usseglio
D, Bergeat
A, Merdrignac
Roy B, Le
LO, Perotto
A, Scalabre
H, Gornes
C, Vaysse
K, Vergriete
A, Aimé
A, Ezanno
B, Malgras
AP, Arnaud
E, Fustec
V, Lavoue
C, Tesson
P, Bouche
S, Tzedakis
E, Cotte
O, Glehen
J, Lifante
L, Bendjemar
H, Braham
L, Charre
Arbi N, El
L, Morel-chevillet
A, Police
V, Villefranque
E, Volpin
A, D’Urso
E, Felli
D, Mutter
P, Pessaux
B, Seeliger
Y, Barbé
J, Bardet
E, Barret
R, Berry
G, Boddaert
S, Bonnet
E, Brian
N, Cathala
X, Cathelineau
C, Denet
D, Fuks
D, Gossot
M, Grigoroiu
A, Laforest
Levy-Zauberman, Y.
Louis-Sylvestre, C.
P, Macek
A, Mombet
A, Moumen
G, Pourcher
F, Rozet
Salas R, Sanchez
A, Seguin-givelet
E, Tribillon
V, Crenn
Vergie S, De
E, Duchalais
F, Espitalier
C, Ferron
H, Fragnaud
O, Malard
N, Regenet
J, Rigaud
Y, Varenne
D, Waast
U, Bork
M, Distler
J, Fritzmann
J, Kirchberg
C, Praetorius
C, Riediger
J, Weitz
T, Welsch
P, Wimberger
K, Beyer
C, Kamphues
J, Lauscher
FN, Loch
C, Schineis
M, Albertsmeier
M, Angele
A, Kappenberger
H, Niess
T, Schiergens
J, Werner
R, Becker
J, Jonescheit
J, Doerner
R, Seiberth
I, Pergolini
D, Reim
J, Herzberg
H, Honarpisheh
T, Strate
C, Boeker
I, Hakami
J, Mall
P, Liokatis
W, Smolka
N, Vassos
K, Nowak
T, Reinhard
F, Hölzle
A, Modabber
P, Winnand
M, Anthuber
E, Shiban
B, Sommer
F, Sommer
S, Wolf
H, Howaldt
M, Knitschke
P, Kauffmann
S, Wolfer
J, Kleeff
K, Lorenz
C, Michalski
U, Ronellenfitsch
Saale, Schneider R.
E, Bertolani
A, Königsrainer
MW, Löffler
M, Quante
C, Steidle
L, Überrück
C, Yurttas
CS, Betz
J, Bewarder
A, Böttcher
S, Burg
C, Busch
M, Dreimann
KH, Frosch
M, Gosau
A, Heuer
J, Izbicki
TO, Klatte
D, Koenig
N, Moeckelmann
C, Nitschke
D, Perez
M, Priemel
A, Reiter
R, Smeets
U, Speth
M, Stangenberg
S, Thole
FG, Uzunoglu
L, Viezens
T, Vollkommer
N, Zeller
MJ, Battista
K, Gillen
A, Hasenburg
S, Krajnak
VC, Linz
R, Schwab
Amo-Antwi, K.
A, Appiah-kubi
T, Konney
A, Tawiah
S, Boatey
A, Issaka
Korsah, M.A.
M, Sheriff
K, Angelou
D, Haidopoulos
A, Rodolakis
P, Antonakis
K, Bramis
L, Chardalias
I, Contis
N, Dafnios
D, Dellaportas
G, Fragulidis
A, Gklavas
M, Konstadoulakis
N, Memos
I, Papaconstantinou
A, Polydorou
T, Theodosopoulos
A, Vezakis
MI, Antonopoulou
DK, Manatakis
N, Tasis
N, Arkadopoulos
N, Danias
P, Economopoulou
M, Frountzas
P, Kokoropoulos
A, Larentzakis
N, Michalopoulos
C, Nastos
S, Parasyris
E, Pikoulis
J, Selmani
T, Sidiropoulos
P, Vassiliu
K, Bouchagier
S, Klimopoulos
D, Paspaliari
G, Stylianidis
D, Akrivou
K, Baxevanidou
K, Bouliaris
P, Chatzikomnitsa
G, Delinasios
C, Doudakmanis
M, Efthimiou
A, Giaglaras
C, Kalfountzos
C, Kolla
G, Koukoulis
K, Zervas
S, Zourntou
I, Baloyiannis
A, Diamantis
E, Gkrinia
J, Hajiioannou
C, Korais
O, Koukoura
K, Perivoliotis
A, Saratziotis
C, Skoulakis
D, Symeonidis
K, Tepetes
G, Tzovaras
D, Zacharoulis
V, Alexoudi
K, Antoniades
I, Astreidis
P, Christidis
D, Deligiannidis
T, Grivas
O, Ioannidis
I, Kalaitsidou
L, Loutzidou
A, Mantevas
D, Michailidou
E, Nikolaidou
S, Papadopoulou
K, Paraskevopoulos
S, Politis
A, Stavroglou
D, Tatsis
I, Tilaveridis
K, Vahtsevanos
G, Venetis
I, Karaitianos
T, Tsirlis
K, Dinas
Margioula-Siarkou, C.
S, Petousis
E, Baili
A, Charalabopoulos
T, Liakakos
D, Schizas
E, Spartalis
A, Syllaios
C, Zografos
C, Anthoulakis
Christou, C.D.
V, Papadopoulos
A, Tooulias
D, Tsolakidis
G, Tsoulfas
D, Zouzoulas
E, Athanasakis
E, Chrysos
I, Tsiaoussis
S, Xenaki
E, Xynos
Duarte A, Barrios
Muralles I, Lopez
MJ, Lowey
AL, Portilla
G, Recinos
JYK, Chan
Chan, S.M.
CCN, Chong
K, Futaba
Ho, M.F.
SF, Hon
RWH, Lau
TWC, Mak
CF, Ng
AYB, Teoh
JY, Teoh
CC, Foo
B, Banky
N, Suszták
S, Misra
P, Pareek
JR, Vishnoi
S, Ambre
V, Balasubiramaniyan
P, Chappity
I, Chaudhary
L, Colney
MK, Das
M, Imaduddin
A, Jain
SK, Jena
M, Kar
S, Mandal
A, Mishra
SS, Mishra
TS, Mishra
JK, Mitra
Y, Mittal
DK, Muduly
P, Nayak
PK, Parida
P, Pradhan
DK, Rajan
E, Rebba
DK, Samal
A, Singh
M, Sultania
SP, Agarwal
A, Agrawal
RK, Arora
J, Chaturvedi
PK, Garg
A, Gaurav
A, Gupta
Seenivasagam R, Kottayasamy
Maharaj, D.D.
KS, Majumdar
N, Mishra
A, Mittal
TA, Narain
R, Nirjhar
DR, Poonia
S, Sadhasivam
MP, Singh
AR, Tiwari
AK, Akula
SK, Bandegudda
RP, Bindlish
A, Chaitanya
Rao LM, Chandrasekhara
P, Dalakoti
S, Dasu
A, Giridhar
NB, Gorijavolu
RR, Iyer
Y, Jayakarthik
GT, Jonathan
Kalla, M.B.
Y, Kheni
CS, Kumar
SA, Murtuza
CCK, Naidu
RK, Nalukurthi
HO, Nemade
S, Nusrath
SC, Patnaik
KVVN, Raju
PR, Ramalingam
KV, Rao
BK, Rayani
Kallam, Reddy
SRR, Reddy
AR, Saksena
JA, Sebastian
RM, Sharma
SR, Thammineedi
A, Krishnamurthy
S, Madhupriya
A, Raja
Chennai, Ramakrishnan AS.
UK, Dutt
Ghosh, D.N.
S, Grewal
P, Hans
Haque, P.D.
R, Jain
Kingsley, P.A.
A, Mahajan
K, Mandrelle
V, Michael
P, Mukherjee
A, Varghese
SS, Varghese
SK, Veetil
P, Gaikwad
AJ, George
James, S.M.
MR, Jesudason
R, Mittal
M, Moorthy
J, Riju
A, Sebastian
S, Sen
S, Singh
D, Sreekar
V, Thomas
DK, Titus
HS, Yezzaji
M, Aggarwal
P, Dhamija
A, Kumar
MM, Chisthi
G, Gejoe
D, Gopakumar
VV, Kollengode
KG, Kuttanchettiyar
I, Yadev
A, Balasubramanian
L, Chaturvedula
K, Dharanipragada
R, Kalayarasan
R, Manikandan
P, Penumadu
B, Lakshminarayana
S, Mathew
PV, Reddihalli
S, Shivdas
N, Akhtar
A, Chaturvedi
S, Gupta
V, Kumar
S, Rajan
N, Agrawal
P, Ahluwalia
A, Arora
Batra-Modi, K.
M, Biswas
H, Chaturvedi
G, Gautam
M, Jain
S, Jain
S, Kumar
R, Nayyar
A, Tiwari
Rangappa V, Bhushan
A, Kadapathri
T, Kolur
R, Pethkar
V, Pillai
G, Popli
J, Sharma
V, Shetty
N, Subramaniam
J, Williams
P, Agarwal
V, Agarwal
A, Baghel
DB, Sharma
A, Silodia
KN, Singh
SK, Yadav
G, Aziz
N, Chowdri
A, Mehraj
FQ, Parray
ZA, Shah
RA, Wani
Z, Ahmed
RS, Bali
Bhat, M.A.
AR, Laharwal
M, Mahmood
IS, Mir
J, Muzamil
FA, Najar
A, Rashid
MH, Rather
M, Zaieem
G, Aggarwal
V, Agrawal
A, Ahmed
R, Ahmed
J, Bhaumik
A, Ghosh
D, Jain
PV, Jain
V, Kewlani
A, Pipara
S, Shakya
A, Sharma
R, Thambudorai
RA, Badwe
G, Bakshi
U, Chandankhede
V, Chaudhari
D, Chaukar
G, Chitkara
B, Dash
A, Deshmukh
deSoouza A
A, Gulia
A, Maheshwari
A, Moiyadi
D, Nair
NS, Nair
D, Niyogi
M, Pal
D, Pandey
S, Patkar
P, Poddar
CS, Pramesh
A, Puri
A, Saklani
P, Shetty
SV, Shrikhande
TS, Shylasree
V, Singh
S, Thiagarajan
AA, Islam
G, Kembuan
H, Pajan
F, Rahim
Milan P, Brouki
M, Mozafari
Tavirani M, Rezaei
A, Tizmaghz
H, Safari
M, Aremu
Canas-Martinez, A.
O, Cullivan
C, Murphy
P, Owens
L, Pickett
L, Akmenkalne
J, Byrne
M, Corrigan
C, Cullinane
A, Daly
C, Fleming
P, Jordan
MY, Kayyal
S, Killeen
N, Lynch
A, McCarthy
H, Mustafa
S, O’Brien
P, O’Leary
WAS, Syed
L, Vernon
F, O'Duffy
A, McHugh
T, Moran
D, Callanan
A, Dias
A, Ionescu
P, Sheahan
I, Balasubramanian
M, Boland
E, Carrington
K, Conlon
D, Evoy
J, Fagan
N, Fearon
T, Gallagher
E, Geary
J, Geraghty
A, Hanly
H, Heneghan
N, Kennedy
R, Kennelly
D, Maguire
ST, Martin
D, McCartan
EW, McDermott
D, McPartland
KC, Ng
RS, Prichard
T, Stafford
D, Winter
D, Alazawi
C, Barry
T, Boyle
W, Butt
E, Connolly
N, Donlon
C, Donohue
Fahey, B.A.
R, Farrell
C, Fitzgerald
J, Kinsella
J, Larkin
P, Lennon
PJ, Maguire
P, Mccormick
BJ, Mehigan
H, Mohan
TS, Nugent
H, O’Sullivan
N, Ravi
JV, Reynolds
A, Rogers
P, Shokuhi
J, Smith
LA, Smith
C, Timon
Y, Bashir
G, Bass
T, Connelly
B, Creavin
H, Earley
JA, Elliott
A, Gillis
D, Kavanagh
A, Madden
RP, Manecksha
P, Neary
C, O’Connell
J, O’riordan
IS, Reynolds
D, Rice
P, Ridgway
A, Thomas
M, Umair
M, Whelan
P, Carroll
C, Collins
K, Corless
L, Finnegan
AL, Fowler
A, Hogan
M, Kerin
A, Lowery
P, McAnena
K, McKevitt
E, Nugent
É, Ryan
JC, Coffey
RM, Cunningham
M, Devine
Nally, D.M.
C, Peirce
S, Tormey
N, Hardy
S, O’Malley
M, Ryan
V, Gaziants
Deutch R, Gold
R, Lavy
Kalmovich-Muallem, L.
O, Zmora
S, Macina
NM, Mariani
E, Opocher
Ceretti A, Pisani
F, Ferrari
F, Odicino
E, Sartori
C, Cotsoglou
S, Granieri
F, Bianco
A, Camillo’
M, Colledan
S, Tornese
Zambelli, M.F.
G, Bissolotti
S, Fusetti
F, Lemma
M, Marino
MV, Marino
A, Mirabella
G, Vaccarella
G, Sena
C, Agostini
G, Alemanno
I, Bartolini
C, Bergamini
A, Bruscino
C, Checcucci
Vincenti R, De
Bella A, Di
M, Fambrini
L, Fortuna
G, Maltinti
P, Muiesan
F, Petraglia
P, Prosperi
Ringressi, M.N.
M, Risaliti
F, Sorbi
A, Taddei
R, Tucci
C, Bassi
L, Bortolasi
T, Campagnaro
L, Casetti
S, Conci
Pastena M, De
A, Esposito
M, Fontana
A, Guglielmi
L, Landoni
G, Malleo
G, Marchegiani
S, Nobile
S, Paiella
C, Pedrazzani
S, Rattizzato
A, Ruzzenente
R, Salvia
G, Turri
M, Tuveri
DF, Altomare
V, Papagni
A, Picciariello
P, Bellora
G, D’Aloisio
M, Ferrari
E, Francone
S, Gentilli
H, Nikaj
L, Andreani
M, Bianchini
R, Capanna
M, Caretto
M, Chiarugi
F, Coccolini
C, Cremonini
Franco G, Di
L, Domenici
N, Furbetta
A, Gadducci
S, Garibaldi
D, Gianardi
A, Giannini
S, Guadagni
L, Morelli
S, Musetti
M, Palmeri
A, Perutelli
T, Simoncini
D, Tartaglia
G, Anania
P, Carcoforo
M, Chiozza
Troia A, De
Radica M, Koleva
M, Portinari
MG, Sibilla
A, Urbani
N, Fabbri
CV, Feo
S, Gennari
S, Parini
E, Righini
L, Ampollini
Arcuri, M.F.
L, Bellanti
M, Bergonzani
G, Bertoli
G, Bocchialini
L, Cattelani
G, D’Angelo
F, Gussago
D, Lanfranco
E, Manigrasso
L, Musini
T, Poli
S, Polotto
GP, Santoro
A, Varazzani
L, Aguzzoli
V, Annessi
G, Borgonovo
Ruiz C, Castro
S, Coiro
G, Falco
VD, Mandato
V, Mastrofilippo
Montella, M.T.
M, Zizzo
U, Grossi
S, Novello
M, Romano
S, Rossi
G, Zanus
G, Esposito
F, Frongia
A, Pisanu
M, Podda
C, Belluco
A, Lauretta
G, Montori
L, Moras
Irccs, Olivieri M.
F, Bussu
AG, Carta
ML, Cossu
P, Cottu
A, Fancellu
CF, Feo
GC, Ginesu
G, Giuliani
M, Madonia
T, Perra
A, Piras
A, Porcu
D, Rizzo
Scanu, A.M.
A, Tedde
M, Tedde
A, Aversano
F, Carbone
P, Delrio
Lauro K, Di
Bucci A, Fares
D, Rega
G, Spiezio
G, Pirozzolo
A, Recordare
C, Vignotto
G, Badalamenti
G, Campisi
A, Cordova
M, Franza
G, Maniaci
G, Rinaldi
F, Toia
M, Calabrò
F, Farnesi
EG, Lunghi
A, Muratore
Federico NS, Pipitone
G, D’Andrea
P, Familiari
V, Picotti
Palma G, De
G, Luglio
G, Pagano
FP, Tropeano
B, Antonelli
L, Baldari
GA, Beltramini
L, Boni
E, Cassinotti
A, Gianni’
L, Pignataro
G, Rossi
S, Torretta
C, Abatini
M, Baia
D, Biasoni
G, Bogani
P, Cadenelli
V, Capizzi
SPB, Cioffi
D, Citterio
LV, Comini
M, Cosimelli
M, Fiore
S, Folli
M, Gennaro
L, Giannini
A, Gronchi
M, Guaglio
A, Macchi
F, Martinelli
V, Mazzaferro
A, Mosca
S, Pasquali
C, Piazza
F, Raspagliesi
L, Rolli
R, Salvioni
G, Sarpietro
C, Sarre
L, Sorrentino
A, Agnes
S, Alfieri
F, Belia
A, Biondi
M, Cauteruccio
V, Cozza
D, D’Ugo
Simone V, De
A, Fagotti
G, Gasparini
L, Gordini
F, Litta
CP, Lombardi
L, Lorenzon
G, Maccauro
AA, Marra
F, Marzi
A, Moro
A, Parello
E, Perrone
R, Persiani
C, Ratto
F, Rosa
G, Saponaro
G, Scambia
O, Scrima
G, Sganga
R, Tudisco
R, Vitiello
A, Ziranu
A, Belli
V, Granata
F, Izzo
R, Palaia
R, Patrone
FM, Carrano
MM, Carvello
Virgilio A, De
Candido F, Di
F, Ferreli
F, Gaino
G, Mercante
V, Rossi
A, Spinelli
G, Spriano
PMDD, Santos
Nardi C, De
Donati, D.M.
T, Frisoni
E, Palmerini
A, Aprile
F, Barra
P, Batistotti
S, Ferrero
P, Fregatti
A, Massobrio
D, Pertile
S, Scabini
D, Soriero
M, Sparavigna
L, Adamoli
M, Ansarin
S, Cenciarelli
F, Chu
Berardinis R, De
Romario U, Fumagalli
F, Mastrilli
G, Pietrobon
M, Tagliabue
E, Badellino
N, Biglia
Piat F, Chiado’
A, Ferrero
R, Massobrio
Garberini A, De Manzoni
F, Mazzotti
F, Pasini
G, Ugolini
R, Barone
SL, Birolo
M, Caccetta
A, Deirino
M, Garino
M, Grasso
C, Marafante
A, Masciandaro
E, Moggia
S, Mungo
A, Murgese
E, Raggio
P, Federico
P, Maida
E, Marra
G, Marte
A, Petrillo
T, Tammaro
A, Tufo
M, Berselli
G, Borroni
E, Cocozza
L, Conti
M, Desio
L, Livraghi
V, Marchionni
V, Quintodei
A, Rizzi
C, Baldi
C, Corbellini
GM, Sampietro
P, Bordoni
G, Clarizia
F, Fleres
M, Franzini
A, Grechi
A, Longhini
A, Spolini
P, Cellerino
E, Galfrascoli
G, Iacob
E, Baldini
P, Capelli
Isolani, S.M.
M, Ribolla
A, Bondurri
F, Colombo
L, Ferrario
C, Guerci
A, Maffioli
T, Armao
M, Ballabio
P, Bisagni
A, Gagliano
M, Longhi
M, Madonini
P, Pizzini
Baietti, A.M.
M, Biasini
P, Maremonti
F, Neri
GM, Prucher
S, Ricci
F, Ruggiero
AG, Zarabini
H, Impellizzeri
M, Inama
G, Moretto
R, Barmasse
S, Mochet
A, Usai
P, Incollingo
M, Giacometti
S, Zonta
Cosentino L, Marino
A, Sagnotta
C, Dell’Oro
R, Fruscio
T, Grassi
S, Negri
LC, Nespoli
N, Tamini
B, Zambetti
A, Anastasi
B, Bartalucci
A, Bellacci
G, Canonico
L, Capezzuoli
Martino C, Di
P, Ipponi
C, Linari
M, Montelatici
T, Nelli
G, Spagni
L, Tirloni
A, Vitali
E, Abate
M, Casati
T, Casiraghi
L, Laface
M, Schiavo
A, Arminio
A, Cotoia
V, Lizzi
F, Vovola
R, Vergari
S, D’Ugo
N, Depalma
Spampinato, M.G.
A, Annicchiarico
F, Catena
M, Giuffrida
G, Perrone
G, Baronio
F, Carissimi
M, Montuori
E, Pinotti
P, Bartolucci
B, Binda
G, Brachini
P, Bruzzaniti
A, Chiappini
V, Chiarella
F, Ciccarone
PM, Cicerchia
B, Cirillo
D, Crocetti
Toma G, De
A, Di bartolomeo
G, Duranti
E, Fiori
GB, Fonsi
G, Franco
A, Frati
M, Giugliano
I, Iannone
Torre F, La
P, Lapolla
C, Leonardo
G, Marruzzo
S, Meneghini
A, Mingoli
D, Ribuffo
M, Salvati
A, Santoro
P, Sapienza
AK, Scafa
L, Simonelli
G, Zanacana
M, Zambon
E, Zuppi
GT, Capolupo
F, Carannante
M, Caricato
G, Mascianà
E, Mazzotta
A, Gattolin
M, Migliore
R, Rimonda
D, Sasia
E, Travaglio
A, Chessa
A, Fiorini
C, Norcini
G, Colletti
M, Confalonieri
A, Costanzi
C, Frattaruolo
G, Mari
M, Monteleone
A, Bandiera
L, Bocciolone
G, Bonavina
M, Candiani
G, Candotti
Nardi P, De
F, Gagliardi
M, Medone
P, Mortini
G, Negri
P, Parise
M, Piloni
P, Sileri
A, Vignali
A, Belvedere
P, Bernante
P, Bertoglio
S, Boussedra
E, Brunocilla
M, Cervellera
M, Cescon
R, Cipriani
G, Cisternino
Crescenzo E, De
Iaco P, De
Gaudio M, Del
G, Dondi
M, Droghetti
G, Germinario
A, Gori
F, Frio
E, Jovine
Bianchi F, Mineo
D, Morezzi
J, Neri
D, Parlanti
Perrone, A.M.
AP, Pezzuto
M, Pignatti
V, Pinto
G, Poggioli
M, Ravaioli
M, Rottoli
IS, Russo
L, Sartarelli
R, Schiavina
M, Serenari
M, Serra
P, Solli
V, Tonini
M, Taffurelli
M, Tanzanu
M, Tesei
T, Violante
S, Zanotti
F, Borghi
D, Cianflocca
Grimaldi S, Di Maria
D, Donati
E, Gelarda
P, Geretto
G, Giraudo
MC, Giuffrida
F, Maione
A, Marano
S, Palagi
L, Pellegrino
C, Peluso
S, Giaccardi
V, Testa
F, Agresta
D, Prando
M, Zese
F, Aquila
C, Gambacciani
L, Lippa
F, Pieri
OS, Santonocito
G, Armatura
G, Bertelli
A, Frena
P, Marinello
F, Notte
S, Patauner
G, Scotton
S, Fulginiti
G, Gallo
G, Sammarco
G, Vescio
P, Balercia
L, Catarzi
G, Consorti
ELG, Asti
D, Bernardi
L, Bonavina
A, Lovece
Marzo F, Di
H, Fujiwara
D, Hashimoto
S, Yamaki
T, Yamamoto
H, Daiko
M, Ishikawa
K, Ishiyama
S, Iwata
K, Kanematsu
Y, Kanemitsu
T, Kato
A, Kawai
E, Kobayashi
Kato M, Kobayashi
K, Moritani
M, Nakagawa
F, Nakatani
J, Oguma
Y, Tanase
M, Uno
T, Hada
H, Iwahashi
M, Miyamoto
J, Suminokura
M, Takano
K, Fujiwara
N, Fujiwara
A, Kurosaki
H, Ababneh
Abdallah M, Al
F, Ayasra
Y, Ayasra
F, Hammad
A, Qasem
Za’nouneh FJ, Abu
Al-Shraideh, A.A.
T, Fahmawee
A, Hmedat
A, Ibrahim
K, Obeidat
Al S, Abdel
Jalil R, Abdel
Chaar MK, Abou
Al-Masri, M.
Al-Najjar, H.
F, Alawneh
O, Alsaraireh
M, Elayyan
R, Ghanem
I, Lataifeh
I, Fakhradiyev
T, Saliev
S, Tanabayeva
H, Almahmeed
S, Almazeedi
S, Alsabah
M, Jamal
N, Aldokali
O, Senossi
Subhi, M.T.
M, Algallai
S, Alwarfly
M, Gahwagi
M, Moftah
M, Abusannoga
A, Alawami
M, Alawami
M, Albashri
A, Malek
D, Burgan
E, Kamoka
AI, Kilani
A, Salamah
A, Shuwayyah
M, Abdelkabir
I, Altomi
M, Altoumi
A, Bouhuwaish
A, Elmabri
M, Omar
AS, Taher
E, Abdulwahed
E, Alshareea
N, Aribi
S, Aribi
M, Biala
R, Ghamgh
M, Morgom
SAA, Alansari
Z, Aldayri
A, Alsoufi
A, Elhadi
F, Elhajdawe
I, Ellojli
AAD, ERgebi
A, Kredan
A, Msherghi
T, Nagib
A, Abudher
K, Alshareef
F, Elamin
S, Bradulskis
E, Dainius
E, Kubiliute
J, Kutkevičius
A, Parseliunas
A, Subocius
D, Venskutonis
F, Rasoaherinomenjanahary
JB, Razafindrahita
LH, Samison
EC, Ong
Maei N, Abdul
CW, Ngo
S, Ramasamy
KH, Hamdan
MR, Ibrahim
JA, Tan
MR, Thanapal
E, Choong
RZM, Lim
Sahid N, Amin
F, Hayati
J, Jayasilan
RK, Sriram
S, Subramaniam
AF, Ibrahim
A, Che jusoh
AH, Hussain
Sidek AS, Mohamed
Yunus, Mohd
JY, Soh
MP, Wong
AD, Zakaria
Z, Zakaria
N, Kampan
Azman ZA, Mohd
Azurah AG, Nur
AA, Zainuddin
AN, Fadzli
NQ, Fathi
PS, Koh
YT, Liew
AC, Roslani
CY, Tang
LY, Teoh
WJ, Wong
R, Xavier
AS, Yahaya
MR, Alvarez
R, Arrangoiz
F, Cordera
De la Rosa Abaroa, M.A.
Gómez-Pedraza, A.
R, Hernandez
Maffuz-Aziz, A.
JA, Posada
Lupián-Angulo, A.I.
Martínez CE, Soulé
Hasan Z, Aboharp
C, ALvarado Silva
Soto A, Bazan
Rubio A, Hernández
Villanueva X, Jiménez
LR, Otoniel
Duran EE, Sosa
García FC, Becerra
Melchor-Ruan, J.
Bañuelos E, Romero
Vilar-Compte, D.
Alfaro-Goldaracena, A.
GA, Buerba
Castillejos-Molina, R.A.
C, Chan
Dominguez-Rosado, I.
Medina-Franco, H.
MÁ, Mercado
Oropeza-Aguilar, M.
Portugal E, Peña Gómez
Posadas-Trujillo, O.E.
Rodriguez-Covarrubias, F.
Salgado-Nesme, N.
M, Vilatoba
Y, Arkha
H, Bechri
Ouahabi A, El
MY, Oudrhiri
Azhari A, El
Louraoui, S.M.
M, Rghioui
M, Bougrine
F, Derkaoui hassani
N, El abbadi
L, Amrani
ZH, Belkhadir
A, Benkabbou
O, Chakib
Ahmadi B, El
Bouazizi Y, El
H, Essangri
A, Ghannam
Majbar, A.M.
R, Mohsine
A, Souadka
ABJ, Borgstein
SS, Gisbertz
Henegouwen MI (Amsterdam UMC, Van Berge
Amsterdam, Cancer Center
Amsterdam, University of
R, Hompes
Praag EM, Meima-van
A, Pronk
S, Sharabiany
B, Grotenhuis
L, Hartveld
S, Reijers
Van Houdt, W.
J, Baaij
Eenennaam M, Bolster-van
Graaff M, De
D, Sloothaak
Duijvendijk P, Van
LDA, Ebben
SZ, Kuiper
J, Melenhorst
M, Poeze
NRF, Sluijpers
LAA, Vaassen
Posma-Bouman, L.
T, Derksen
J, Franken
S, Oosterling
Bree R, De
J, Konsten
Heinsbergen M, Van
A, Adeyeye
A, Akinmade
E, Enoch
S, Fayose
P, Abur
L, Fidelis
SE, Nwabuoku
N, Oyelowo
TT, Sholadoye
Tolani, M.A.
J, Olaogun
H, Abiyere
I, Adebara
A, Adeniyi
O, Adeyemo
O, Babalola
A, Bakare
O, Banjo
A, Okunlola
A, Adeniran
K, Atobatele
G, Eke
O, Faboya
A, Ogunyemi
O, Omisanjo
O, Oshodi
Y, Oshodi
O, Williams
A, Ademuyiwa
B, Afolabi
O, Akinajo
F, Alakaloko
O, Atoyebi
O, Balogun
O, Belie
C, Bode
George I, Chibuike
O, Elebute
Ladipo-Ajayi, O.
E, Ohazurike
A, Okunowo
TO, Olajide
Seyi-Olajide, J.
A, Daniel
IK, Egbuchulem
TA, Lawal
O, Nwaorgu
O, Ogundoyin
D, Olulana
P, Onakoya
O, Oyelakin
H, Abdullahi
E, Agida
Aisuodionoe-Shadrach, O.
H, Ajibola
G, Akaba
AS, Sani
J, Chinda
Y, Dawang
S, Garba
P, Mshelbwala
J, Obande
S, Olori
A, Olute
O, Osagie
Ogolekwu I, Pius
A, Umar
Abdur-Rahman, L.
N, Adeleke
I, Aremu
J, Bello
O, Olasehinde
A, Popoola
HO, Raji
JG, Massoud
R, Massoud
TM, Sorour
J, Abassy
K, Ahmed
A, Alvi
M, Arshad
S, Khan
A, Pirzada
A, Saleem
T, Siddiqui
K, Turk
F, Hanif
M, Haroon
MI, Khan
A, Jamal
AA, Kerawala
AS, Memon
Ahmed R, Nafees
L, Rai
S, Javed
U, Mahmood
RK, Shabbir
E, Yaqoob
A, Afzal
Riaz S, Ahmed
A, Akbar
AA, Ali
G, Ali
A, Janjua
M, Mohsin
SA, Naqi
I, Saleem
A, Shaukat
M, Sohail
Afzal, M.F.
MI, Khokhar
F, Latif
B, Ayub
N, Hassan
RS, Martins
P, Ramesh
R, Sayyed
M, Ayyaz
U, Butt
M, Kashif
WH, Khan
AU, Qureshi
M, Umar
Farooka M, Waris
T, Wasim
ABH, Bhatti
A, Ayubi
I, Rashid
SH, Waqar
Al-Slaibi, I.
Alzeerelhouseini H, I.A.
F, Jobran
SA, Abukhalaf
E, Arrue
M, Cukier
Rodriguez-Zentner, H.
Borda-Luque, G.
Palacios JL, León
G, Lizzetti
Ojeda XP, Vasquez
Pacheco GM, Falcon
R, Robles
R, Jocson
C, Teh
Magadia E, Uy
P, Major
M, Bąk
K, Dubieńska
A, Ławnicka
D, Murawa
M, Bobiński
J, Kotarski
Rasoul-Pelińska, K.
A, Brociek
A, Chloupek
M, Janik
P, Kowalewski
A, Kwiatkowski
P, Panasiewicz
R, Roszkowski
P, Rot
P, Sroczyński
M, Walędziak
C, Azevedo
D, Machado
F, Mendes
Sousa X, De
U, Fernandes
C, Ferreira
G, Guidi
C, Leal
A, Marçal
R, Marques
D, Martins
A, Melo
N, Tenreiro
Pereira R, Vaz
B, Vieira
JI, Almeida
Almeida-Reis, R.
de Sá T, Correia
MJMA, Costa
V, Fernandes
I, Ferraz
da Cruz L, Lima
da Silva C, Lima
L, Lopes
N, Machado
J, Marialva
Coelho M, Nunes
J, Pedro
C, Pereira
A, Ribeiro
CG, Ribeiro
R, Santos
P, Saraiva
RL, Silva
F, Tavares
M, Teixeira
P, Valente
AC, Almeida
MJ, Amaral
R, Andrade
Nemésio R, Athayde
D, Breda
C, Camacho
C, Canhoto
M, Colino
S, Correia
M, Costa
Barros J, De
López AL, De Oliveira
M, Duque
S, Garrido
P, Guerreiro
A, Guimarães
A, Lázaro
C, Lopes
R, Martins
O, Nogueira
A, Oliveira
JM, Oliveira
M, Rodrigues
A, Ruivo
E, Santos
M, Silva
J, Simões
da Costa A, Valente
A, Almeida
Rodrigues S, Castanheira
Leitão de Carvalho AS, Cavaleiro
V, Devezas
CS, Faria
F, Jácome
Maia M, Magalhães
J, Nogueiro
A, Pereira
Pereira-Neves, A.
Pina-Vaz, T.
Santos-Sousa, H.
H, Silveira
S, Vaz
P, Vieira
da Costa A, Gomes
Antunes I, Lobo
J, Pinto
A, Tojal
N, Cardoso
P, Cardoso
JC, Domingues
P, Henriques
MI, Manso
G, Martins dos Santos
H, Morais
R, Pereira
T, Revez
R, Ribeiro
Ribeiro, VI
A, Soares
S, Sousa
J, Teixeira
E, Amorim
VH, Baptista
Cunha, M.F.
B, Dias
A, Fazenda
Neves JP, Melo
F, Policarpo
da Nóvoa Gomes Miguel, Sampaio, II
D, Veiga
JP, Bandovas
N, Borges
A, Branquinho
B, Chumbinho
J, Correia
H, Fidalgo
de Barros I, Figueiredo
S, Frade
J, Gomes
da Silva Andrade A, Kam
J, Maciel
Rodrigues A, Pereira
S, Pina
N, Silva
Nunes I, Silveira
R, Sousa
J, Ascensão
P, Azevedo
B, Costeira
C, Cunha
R, Garrido
H, Gomes
I, Lourenço
G, Mendinhos
P, Miranda
Pinto A, Nobre
Ferreira M, Peralta
J, Ribeiro
Rodrigues L, Rio
Fernandes M, Sousa
J, Azevedo
D, Galvão
AC, Soares
A, Vieira
B, Patrício
Lopes AC, Vieira Paiva
R, Cunha
A, Faustino
A, Freitas
Oliveira B, Jacob
Martins, A.B.
JR, Mendes
R, Parreira
J, Rosa
M, Teves
da Silva A, Abreu
M, Claro
Santos D, Costa
AC, Deus
JV, Grilo
Borges F, Castro
Real J, Corte
S, Henriques
MJ, Lima
Costa P, Matos
Joao A, Alagoa
R, Camarneiro
I, Capunge
M, Fragoso
J, Frazão
A, Martins
V, Pedro
R, Pera
de Almeida F, Ramalho
Soares A, Sampaio
R, Vale
M, Vasconcelos
da Silva F, Brito
A, Caiado
F, Fonseca
M, Ângelo
JM, Baiao
Jordão D, Martins
Caroço T, Vieira
J, Messias
A, Millan
I, Salgado
P, Santos
C, Baía
R, Canotilho
Correia, A.M.
Pinto AP, Ferreira
M, Peyroteo
JF, Videira
P, Escobar
Santiago M, Maldonado
R, Kassir
F, Sauvat
E, Bonci
V, Gata
S, Titu
C, Bezede
A, Chitul
E, Ciofic
D, Cristian
F, Grama
L, Pirtea
C, Secosan
C, Ciubotaru
I, Negoi
VM, Negoita
B, Stoica
O, Ginghina
N, Iordache
RV, Iosifescu
M, Mardare
RM, Mirica
A, Spanu
Văcărașu, A.B.
M, Zamfir-Chiru-Anton
T, Garmanova
E, Kazachenko
D, Markaryan
S, Rodimov
P, Tsarkov
I, Tulina
A, Abelevich
A, Bazaev
AK, Kokobelyan
Yanishev, A.
A, Litvin
Y, Litvina
A, Provozina
M, Agapov
E, Galliamov
V, Kakotkin
V, Kubyshkin
E, Semina
А, Камалов
A, Novikova
A, Zakharenko
M, Alshahrani
F, Alsharif
M, Eskander
Raddadi R, Al
S, Majrashi
A, Mashat
N, Akeel
M, Alharthi
M, Aljiffry
M, Basendowah
A, Farsi
M, Ghunaim
A, Khoja
A, Maghrabi
N, Malibary
M, Nassif
A, Nawawi
A, Samkari
N, Trabulsi
Azab M, A.
M, Aldosri
A, Alghanem
A, Alguraigari
K, ALjohani
D, Alqahtani
TM, Alzaidi
A, Basyouni
E, Elhussain
H, Jaloun
I, Mudawi
M, Shafei
Awwad S, Al
M, Alghamdi
T, Alnumani
M, Nasser
A, Said bayazeed
S, Abdelrhman
S, Awad
S, Ghedan
Sharara M, I.
A, Mashaly
M, Aburahmah
Otaibi F, Al
I, Al-alem
Al-Badawi, I.A.
H, AlDahash
N, Alhazzaa
A, Alhefdhi
B, Alhelal
K, AlKattan
O, Almalik
A, Alomair
O, Alomar
NH, Alotaibi
F, Alresaini
O, Alrifai
M, Alsakka
R, Alsalamah
M, Alsemari
S, Alsobhi
T, AlSumai
F, Farrash
P, Khan
Z, Mahasin
E, Othman
R, Pant
H, Robaidi
W, Saleh
M, Shaheen
P, Spangenberg
S, Velagapudi
Habes H, Al
A, Alamri
S, Alkarak
M, Alqannas
M, Alyami
M, Alzamanan
Cortés-Guiral, D.
A, Elawad
H, Adi
F, Al ahmad
Ayed A, Al
A, Al zahrani
Y, Alalawi
Y, Alishi
B, Alqahtani
O, AlAamer
L, Alriyees
N, Alselaim
J, Alfaifi
N, Alkreedees
SN, Almutrafi
M, Alramadhan
A, Alshitwi
J, D’Souza
A, Abdulkareem
A, Ajlan
K, Akkour
Al-Habib, A.
Al-Khayal, K.
A, Alatar
A, Alburakan
H, Alhalal
B, Alhassan
N, Alhassan
F, Aljassir
O, Alobeed
A, Alsaif
F, Alsaif
S, Alshammari
I, Alshaygy
M, Barry
Nasser A, Bin
Traiki T, Bin
A, Bokhari
S, Elwatidy
H, Helmi
A, Madkhali
T, Nouh
Rabah, P.D.
A, Zubaidi
Amri A, Al
F, Abdulfattah
Hasan I, Al
Al-Kharashi, E.
F, Alanazi
F, Albaqami
A, Alghamdi
A, Alghuliga
F, Aljaber
K, Alsowaina
A, Alsuhaibani
N, Arab
F, Badahdah
S, Alobaysi
A, Alshahrani
A, Alzahrani
I, Paunovic
N, Slijepcevic
L, Aleksić
A, Antic
G, Barisic
M, Ceranic
K, Ebrahimi
D, Galun
Ž, Grubač
N, Ivanović
J, Jelenkovic
D, Kecmanović
S, Kmezić
D, Knezevic
Z, Krivokapic
S, Latinčić
V, Markovic
S, Matić
M, Miladinov
M, Pavlov
I, Pejovic
D, Radenkovic
P, Sabljak
O, Skrobić
V, Šljukić
B, Tadic
J, Vasljević
D, Velickovic
M, Zivanovic
K, Doklestic
P, Gregoric
N, Ivancevic
Z, Loncar
D, Micic
M, Perovic
L, Srbinovic
S, Andrijasevic
T, Bozanovic
Popovic R, Cerovic
M, Dokic
T, Janjic
K, Jeremic
S, Kadija
Likic I, Ladjevic
L, Mirkovic
S, Pantovic
I, Pilic
M, Radojevic
A, Stefanovic
S, Vidakovic
Z, Vilendecic
S, Antic
D, Dunđerović
D, Jelovac
Z, Jezdic
V, Konstantinovic
B, Kotlar
C, Kuzmanovic
M, Lazić
S, Pajić
M, Petrovic
F, Popovic
A, Pucar
M, Romic
S, Sumrak
V, Vujanac
V, Bascarevic
I, Bogdanovic
D, Grujičić
R, Ilic
M, Jokovic
M, Milićević
F, Milisavljević
A, Miljković
A, Paunovic
V, Šćepanović
A, Stanimirovic
M, Todorovic
M, Folic
A, Jotic
Trivic S, Krejovic
J, Milovanovic
A, Trivic
U, Bumbasirevic
Z, Dzamic
B, Kajmaković
N, Prijović
M, Zivkovic
M, Buta
A, Cvetkovic
I, Djurisic
S, Gacic
M, Goran
Z, Inic
N, Jeftic
M, Jevric
V, Jokic
I, Markovic
M, Milanović
S, Nikolic
L, Pejnovic
N, Savković
I, Spurnic
D, Stevic
D, Stojiljkovic
N, Vucic
M, Zegarac
A, Karamarkovic
M, Kenic
B, Kovacevic
I, Krdzic
V, Milutinović
G, Savic
CW, Chan
B, Lieske
B, Gális
K, Šimko
A, Cokan
B, Crnobrnja
A, Dovnik
J, Knez
M, Pakiž
N, Almgla
M, Bernon
A, Boutall
L, Cairncross
G, Chinnery
A, Herman
T, Hilton
E, Jonas
C, Kloppers
F, Malherbe
W, Mugla
D, Nel
S, Rayamajhi
M, Scriba
Wyngaard T, Van
J, Vogel
Castaño-Leon, A.M.
Fernandez J, Delgado
Fernandez C, Eiriz
Segura-Illa M, Espino
Sinovas O, Esteban
Perez D, Garcia
P, Gomez
Jimenez-Roldan, L.
A, Lagares
Moreno-Gomez, L.
I, Paredes
Núñez A, Pérez
Aniceto G, Sánchez
Alegret M, Santas
Rodríguez P, Fernández
Señorans M, Paniagua García
Sanchez-Santos, R.
V, Vigorita
E, Acrich
Sanfeliu E, Baena
O, Barrios
T, Golda
C, Santanach
Serrano-Navidad, M.
Grifell M, Sorribas
RV, Vives
Gil J, Arce
D, Escolà
A, Jiménez
JA, Alcázar
Angoso-Clavijo, M.
Blanco-Antona, F.
Carabias-Orgaz, A.
Maag R, Díaz
Larrea M, Eguía
Velasco C, Esteban
J, Garcia
García-Plaza, A.G.P.
Gonzalez-Muñoz, J.I.
Muñoz-Bellvis, L.
Parreño-Manchado, F.C.
Tocino JM, Sánchez
Sanchez-Casado, A.B.
J, Trebol
Gutierrez J, Hernandez
Zamora A, Tébar
Mozo A, Sánchez
Paniagua L, Cayetano
Fernandez L, Gomez
E, Artigues
Bernal-Sprekelsen, J.C.
Bauset JC, Catalá
Gilabert-Estellés, J.
P, Collera
Del Gobbo R, Diaz
Font R, Farre
Clotet R, Flores
Díaz CJ, Gómez
N, Guàrdia
CA, Guariglia
A, Osorio
Jimenez R, Sanchez
L, Sanchon
Montesinos C, Soto
Martin B, Albi
Villayzán JE, García
Alonso-Lamberti, L.
M, Assaf
Pintado N, Baeza
A, Carabias
García-Quijada, J.
Fernandez, Huertas
Miramón J, Jimenez
V, Jimenez
JM, Jover
Agüero SA, Landeo
R, Leon
Martín Salamanca, M.B.
Simón V, Pérez
S, Ponce
JL, Rodriguez
A, Salazar
Rubio A, Valle
H, Aguado
Ansorregui I, Aldecoa
Infante R, Bravo
Lacy FB, De
Somma A, Di
Díaz-Feijoo, B.
Nora J, Enseñat
N, Fabregas
A, Ferrés
Ibañez B, Gil
Sanchez JJ, Gonzalez
I, Gracia
Castro JA, Hoyos
Lacy, A.M.
C, Langdon
D, Momblán
X, Morales
L, Oleaga
A, Otero
L, Pedrosa
Carrizo J, Poblete
Figueroa LA, Reyes
Roldan Ramos, P.
Rumia-Arboix, J.
Tercero-Uribe, A.I.
TE, Topczewski
J, Torales
A, Torne
R, Torné
Turrado-Rodriguez, V.
R, Valero
S, Valverde
R, Anula
R, Avellana
Rodríguez E, Camarero
Garza V, Catalán
J, Dziakova
Alonso M, García
Martínez B, Lasses
Antoñanzas L, López
JM, Muguerza
S, Ochagavía
Soria MJ, Peña
Rivera-Alonso, D.
Carlin P, Saez
C, Sánchez del Pueblo
Ortega G, Sanz
Sanz-Lopez, R.
A, Torres
Garcés-Albir, M.
F, Lopez
Martín-Arévalo, J.
Moro-Valdezate, D.
Pla-Marti, V.
de Heredia J, Beltrán
Andrés-Asenjo B, De
Sanz T, Gómez
C, Jezieniecki
Del Barrio H, Nuñez
de Solórzano Aurusa FJ, Ortiz
de Diego A, Romero
Soriano M, Ruiz
Díaz J, Trujillo
Fernandez A, Vazquez
Lora-Cumplido, P.
MV, Sosa
C, Balague
E, Ballester
A, Moral
López A, Sánchez
EM, Targarona
Galvan-Perez, A.
Gonzalez-Gonzalez, E.
Minaya Bravo, A.M.
Miguel-Mendez C, San
N, Alonso de la Fuente
Labat M, Cazador
L, Cecchini
CA, Espinosa
Toscano M, Jimenez
Campillo A, López
G, Mancebo
P, Martorell
M, Munarriz
Grau-Talens, E.J.
Martin-Perez, B.
Buleje JA, Benavides
Prats M, Carrasco
PV, Fernández
Fernández-López, A.
Escudero D, García
Porcel VJ, García
Soria V, Garcia
Francés C, Giménez
Valverde FM, González
Gurrea-Almela, E.
López-Morales, P.
Garrido A, Marco
Alonso JA, Martínez
E, Medina
Camarena JM, Muñoz
Parra Baños, P.A.
Ros E, Peña
Faraco M, Ramirez
Ruiz-Marín, M.
Rodriguez C, Sanchez
Soriano M, Valero
Cabañuz M, Allué
Gutiérrez P, Colsa
Domínguez M, García
Maurel T, Gimenez
Anoro LF, Martín
L, Ponchietti
Artigas JM, Rodriguez
Golet M, Roldón
Fornals A, Utrilla
Gómez M, Estaire
Camuñas Á, Fernández
Santos EP, Garcia
Higuera E, Jimenez
CA, López de la Manzanara Cano
Martínez-Pinedo, C.
Pérez A, Moreno
Muñoz-Atienza, V.
Padilla-Valverde, D.
Rodríguez R, Picón
Calvo FJ, Redondo
Sánchez-García, S.
Sanchez-Pelaez, D.
Martínez C, Curtis
Fernández-Candela, A.
Sánchez-Guillén, L.
RC, Colombari
E, Del valle
M, Fernández
Lominchar P, Lozano
L, Martín
Valcarcel C, Rey
Steiner, M.A.
M, Tudela
Ortúzar J, Zorrilla
Matas F, Alcaide
Pérez JM, García
Pereira P, Troncoso
Laina JL, Blas
B, Cros
J, Escartin
Egea J, Garcia
A, Nogués
El-Abur I, Talal
C, Yánez
Mora-Guzmán, I.
Puiggrós L, Cárdenas
M, Abellán
Boira M, Achalandabaso
R, Jorba
Ikuga R, Memba
C, Olona
Mallafré R, Sales
O, Aguilo
Busquets P, Cavallé
Pellice MGP, Gavalda
Sole M, Jorda
I, Mateu
Curto M, Miralles
Peña J, Salinas
Martínez D, Fernández
Flórez LJ, García
Solar-Garcia, L.
Achig EJ, Aragon
L, Barbier
Vivancos P, Caja
A, Gainza
Gutierrez JJ, García
García-Operé, G.
Gómez-Suárez, J.
Jiménez-Jiménez, M.
Ormaechea G, Mallabiabarrena
H, Marín
Playa P, Martin
Corcóstegui I, Melchor
Municio-Martín, J.A.
M, Oñate
Pascua-Gómez, L.A.
Pesántez Peralta, M.A.
Calvo M, Prieto
Fraga A, Rodriguez
Ateca I, Villalabeitia
Olabarria U, De Andres
Ballesteros M, Durán
Pablos FJ, Fernández
Ibáñez-Aguirre, F.J.
Larrainzar A, Sanz
Ugarte-Sierra, B.
Acosta Mérida, M.A.
López D, Ortiz
Cano AF, Yepes
Bonito A, Correa
la Hoz Rodríguez Á, De
Búrdalo L, Delgado
Martino M, Di
Sánz I, García
Septiem J, García
González R, Maqueda
Martin-Perez, E.
de Nova JL, Muñoz
Espino P, Calvo
Ruano P, Guillamot
García L, Colao
Pérez D, Díaz
Agustí E, Esteban
Jara P, Galindo
Samaniego M, Gutierrez
Hernandez Bartolome, M.A.
González J, Serrano
Poza A, Alonso
B, Diéguez
García-Conde, M.
Hernández-García, M.
M, Losada
Chiesa-Estomba, C.M.
JÁ, González García
E, Larruscain
Sistiaga-Suárez, J.A.
E, Alvarez
N, Chavarrias
L, Frías
Pineda V, García
Simón A, Gegúndez
Rivas J, Gómez
S, Gortázar de las Casas
M, Gracia
J, Guevara
Gutierrez A, Hernández
A, Loayza
Dolores DT, María
C, Martí
M, Melendez
Moreno-Palacios, E.
Y, Perez
Nieto MI, Prieto
Ramos-Martín, P.
Rubio-Perez, I.
J, Saavedra
Méndez JI, Sánchez
Ridruejo J, Siegrist
Vazquez C, Toribio
A, Urbieta
A, Yebes
I, Zapardiel
Aparicio-López, D.
M, Cantalejo diaz
De Miguel Ardevines, M.D.C.
MÁ, Dobón Rascón
Duque-Mallén, V.
Ferrer I, Gascon
González-Nicolás Trébol, M.T.
Gracia-Roche, C.
Lopez M, Herrero
Ferrer UM, Jariod
H, Kälviäinen
A, Lanzon
German A, Martinez
M, Matute
C, Redondo
Fuentes N, Sánchez
Santero-Ramirez, M.S.
S, Saudí
Sanz MV, Simón
T, Uson
Martin A, Blazquez
Alonso M, Diez
Rico E, García
Gomez E, Garcia-Loarte
Nisa F, Garcia-Moreno
Calvo A, Gutierrez
P, Hernandez
I, Lasa
Mendoza-Moreno, F.
Palacios N, Morales
Merino E, Ovejero
Mansilla C, Vera
J, Acero
A, Haddad
AG, Barranquero
Silva U, Caballero
Sánchez A, Cabañero
Garcia-Matres C, Cavestany
Zaballos C, Cerro
Fernández S, Fra
Mata N, Moreno
Molina GM, Muñoz
J, Núñez
J, Ocaña
D, Ramos
García F, Acebes
M, Bailón
Cañones AD, Bueno
Bhojwani E, Choolani
Marcos-Santos, P.
T, Miguel
Sánchez D, Pacheco
Pérez-Saborido, B.
Gonzalez J, Sanchez
Tejero-Pintor, F.J.
F, Alconchel
A, Conesa
Martínez J, Gil
Fernández AI, Gutiérrez
Abad A, Lopez
Nicolás-López, T.
Romero P, Ramirez
Calvo MJ, Roca
K, Rodrigues
Manzanera JJ, Ruiz
AI, Soriano
A, Cano
Capitan-Morales, L.
Catena J, Cintas
Gomez-Rosado, J.
Mompean F, Oliva
Sánchez, Pérez
Lafuente FD, Río
Arcos C, Torres
Valdes-Hernandez, J.
Esteban M, Bruna
H, Cholewa
S, Domingo
M, Frasson
V, Lago
Martin T, Marina
Chicote C, Martínez
Sancho-Muriel, J.
Estraviz-Mateos, B.
Cruzado L, Fernández Gómez
de Miguel M, González
A, Landaluce-olavarria
D, Lecumberri
Gurumeta A, Abad
Abad-Motos, A.
Martínez-Hurtado, E.
Ripollés-Melchor, J.
Escobar A, Ruiz
Cuadrado-García, A.
Tellez L, Garcia-Sancho
Aznar J, Heras
Mate P, Maté
Vázquez I, Ortega
AL, Picardo
López JA, Rojo
Noguera F, Sanchez Cabezudo
de Colsa D, Serralta
Latorre J, Anchuelo
Fernandez C, Cagigas
Ruiz R, Caiña
Diaz MJ, Fernandez
Ruiz M, Gomez
F, Hernanz
Fraile J, Jimeno
Martínez-Pérez, P.
C, Poch
Martinez S, Santarrufina
Jabares V, Valbuena
Moliner-Sachez, C.
Pingarron-Martin, L.
Rey-Biel, J.
Martin I, Ruiz
Ortega EP, Cagigal
I, Cervera
Peña P, Díaz
de Castro Rubio E, Garcia
D, Enjuto
Bernabé P, Fernández
García R, Garcés
J, Gonzalez
I, Hernández
Herrera-Merino, N.
De Salas M, Marqueta
Pascual P, Martinez
Gonzalez M, Perez
Bonilla A, Ramos
Gómez L, Rodríguez
Garcia M, Alfonso
Craus-Miguel, A.
Vega L, Fernández
Ferrer-Inaebnit, E.
Catalán A, Gil
Argente FX, González
S, Jeri
A, Oseira
Cano N, Pujol
Segura-Sampedro, J.J.
Verdeguer C, Soldevila
B, Villalonga
C, Bescós
Blanco-Colino, R.
I, Brana
B, Caimari
García-Cuenca A, De Pablo
Duran-Valles, F.
Espin-Basany, E.
López de Sagredo J, Giralt
J, Pamias
G, Pellino
N, Prat
Pina R, Pujol
M, Saez barba
A, Arulanantham
GBKD, Bandara
U, Jayarajah
S, Ravindrakumar
VSD, Rodrigo
Adil AA, Ali
MHY, Elhafiz
EE, Ali
M, Awadelkarim
I, Bakheit
H, Elbahri
HKS, Hamid
Essa, M.E.A.
AA, Ahmed
Hassan, Abubakr
Yousuf Hilles, Momin Majed
M, Saleh
S, Arkani
J, Freedman
P, Elbe
EK, Lindqvist
E, Angenete
J, Park
H, Taflin
L, Greiff
L, Hagander
A, Älgå
G, Heinius
M, Nordberg
E, Pieniowski
I, Gkekas
N, Löfgren
M, Rutegård
M, Sund
M, Arigoni
M, Bernasconi
D, Christoforidis
Giuseppe M, Di
Regina D, La
F, Mongelli
M, Chevallay
O, Dwidar
E, Gialamas
M, Sauvain
R, Giger
S, Hool
F, Klenke
A, Kollàr
C, Kurze
SA, Mueller
S, Kiessling
S, Stoeckli
M, Adamina
T, Bächler
AS, Crugnale
M, Giardini
L, Guglielmetti
G, Peros
F, Solimene
M, Gass
J, Metzger
A, Scheiwiller
C, Gutschow
M, Turina
Asadi T, Al
S, Alkhateb
R, Altom
B, Bakkar
Albared S, Maa
S, Melhem
A, Hamdan
A, Hammed
S, Hammed
M, Hossain
M, Mahfoud
A, Moussa
R, Alsayyad
S, Alsrouji
G, Ashour
Al-Nahr M, Hareth
A, Slitin
C, Tanos
MJ, Kacem
H, Maghrebi
A, Sebai
A, Aghayeva
I, Hamzaoglu
I, Sahin
E, Akaydin
Z, Aliyeva
E, Aytac
B, Baca
O, Dülgeroğlu
V, Ozben
BB, Ozmen
C, Uras
AE, Arikan
IA, Bilgin
B, Bozkırlı
GO, Ceyhan
H, Kara
T, Karahasanoğlu
H, Celik
MM, Meydanli
A, Akbas
Y, Altinel
F, Calikoglu
G, Ercan
C, Ercetin
NA, Hacım
S, Meriç
M, Tokocin
T, Vartanoglu
H, Yigitbas
H, Akilli
A, Ayhan
E, Kuscu
M, Doğangün
N, Iflazoğlu
Ö, Yalkın
A, Turna
Onan, M.A.
U, Akgor
O, Cennet
HA, Dincer
T, Erol
M, Gultekin
N, Orhan
N, Ozgul
MC, Salman
B, Soyak
L, Aydemir
B, Başaran
C, Sen
M, Ulusan
AS, Açıkgöz
A, Alhamed
Y, Aykanat
T, Bese
S, Cebi
F, Demirkıran
S, Ergün
B, Kayan
OZcelık, M.F.
AN, Sanli
SS, Uludağ
M, Velidedeoglu
AK, Zengin
Bozkurt, M.A.
Y, Kara
A, Kocatas
Altinbas B, Candas
Çekiç, A.B.
K, Eyuboglu
A, Guner
S, Türkyılmaz
Usta, M.A.
B, Cimenoglu
R, Demirhan
K, Saracoglu
İF, Azamat
E, Balik
D, Buğra
B, Giray
Kulle, C.B.
C, Taskiran
D, Vatansever
SA, Güler
A, Güreşin
OC, Tatar
NZ, Utkan
A, Yildirim
E, Yüksel
A, Abbasov
H, Yanar
MU, Ugurlu
E, Akin
F, Altintoprak
Z, Bayhan
G, Cakmak
R, Çapoğlu
F, Çelebi
H, Demir
E, Dikicier
N, Firat
E, Gönüllü
Kamburoğlu, M.B.
B, Kocer
IF, Küçük
B, Mantoglu
E, Çolak
GO, Kucuk
Uyanik, M.S.
B, Goksoy
E, Bozkurt
B, Citgez
M, Mihmanli
M, Tanal
G, Yetkin
M, Akalin
C, Arican
EK, Avci
C, Aydin
Atıcı S, Demirli
M, Emiroglu
T, Kaya
E, Kebabçı
G, Kilinc
Y, Kirmizi
H, Öğücü
S, Salimoğlu
İ, Sert
C, Tugmen
K, Tuncer
G, Uslu
D, Yeşilyurt
E, Karaman
A, Kolusarı
A, Yildiz
FA, Gultekin
H, Lule
B, Oguttu
K, Abdelgalil
J, Agilinko
A, Ahmeidat
M, Barabasz
M, Bekheit
LK, Cheung
T, Colloc
W, Cymes
M, Elhusseini
G, Gradinariu
A, Hannah
Kamera, B.S.
G, Mignot
S, Shaikh
P, Sharma
Abu-Nayla, I.
Al-Mohammad, A.
S, Ali
J, Ashcroft
A, Azizi
O, Baker
A, Balakrishnan
M, Byrne
A, Colquhoun
A, Cotter
P, Coughlin
RJ, Davies
A, Durrani
M, Elshaer
S, Fordington
P, Forouhi
F, Georgiades
H, Grimes
A, Habeeb
V, Hudson
P, Hutchinson
E, Irune
A, Jah
DZ, Khan
A, Kolias
H, Kyriacou
B, Lamb
S, Liau
L, Luke
R, Mahmoud
R, Mannion
L, Masterson
C, Mitrofan
M, Mohan
A, Morris
S, Murphy
JR, O’Neill
S, Price
J, Pushpa-rajah
Raby-Smith, W.
J, Ramzi
Rooney, S.M.
T, Santarius
AA, Singh
GD, Stewart
XS, Tan
A, Townson
E, Tweedle
C, Walker
S, Waseem
S, Yordanov
T, Jones
A, Kattakayam
C, Loh
R, Lunevicius
Q, Nunes
S, Pringle
A, Schache
R, Shaw
A, Sheel
A, Sud
M, Sundhu
C, Rossborough
D, Angelou
M, Choynowski
B, McAree
A, McCanny
D, Neely
F, Kamel
L, Kumar
R, Madani
P, Nisar
G, Tutoveanu
Bittar, M.N.
M, Creanga
M, Elniel
J, Law
M, Youssef
S, Ahad
La Cruz Monroy MFI, De
M, Hashem
F, Langlands
F, Mosley
V, Oktseloglou
I, Omar
F, Patel
A, Alanbuki
M, Patel
A, Shabana
R, Rathinaezhil
E, Perera
D, Raveendran
Ravi-Shankar, K.
J, Thiruchelvam
Bakri NA, Che
Z, Jawad
L, Jiao
S, Nazarian
R, Vashisht
L, Arrowsmith
W, Campbell
T, Grove
C, Kontovounisios
O, Warren
P, Rolland
A, Aggarwal
S, Brown
C, Jelley
N, Neal
R, Kaur
E, Leung
S, Sundar
T, Doulias
M, Li
E, Martin
H, Rodwell
R, Clifford
N, Eardley
E, Krishnan
N, Manu
Mahapatra S, Roy
OL, Serevina
C, Smith
D, Vimalachandran
M, Bordenave
R, Houston
G, Putnam
A, Robson
H, Tustin
K, Emslie
PL, Labib
A, Marchbank
D, Miller
G, Minto
J, Natale
H, Nwinee
P, Panahi
L, Rogers
A, Abubakar
Rahman MM, Akhter
H, O’Brien
K, Sasapu
R, Inglis
HJ, Ng
Rico A, De Gea
N, Ghazali
J, Lambert
G, Markose
S, Math
I, Sarantitis
D, Shreshtha
R, Simpson
S, Sonanis
A, Sultana
M, Taggarsi
S, Timbrell
OP, Vaz
L, Vitone
A, Day
H, Dent
M, Fahim
S, Waheed
A, Hunt
Hastings, Laskar N.
J, Steinke
S, Thrumurthy
E, Massie
K, McGivern
D, Rutherford
M, Wilson
J, Hardie
S, Kazzaz
Bacarese-Hamilton, T.
M, Ip
A, James
G, Salerno
T, Stockdale
S, Handa
M, Kaushal
A, Kler
P, Patel
J, Redfern
S, Tezas
Y, Aawsaj
S, Amonkar
L, Blackwell
D, Blake
J, Carter
H, Emerson
A, Fisher
M, Katory
P, Korompelis
W, McCormick
A, Mustafa
L, Pearce
N, Ratnavelu
R, Reehal
A, Damola
L, Kretzmer
L, Lalou
P, Lim
B, Manku
I, Parwaiz
M, Sandher
J, Stafford
M, Abdelkarim
A, Asqalan
T, Gala
S, Ibrahim
A, Maw
R, Mithany
R, Morgan
Venkatesan G, Sundaram
D, Holroyd
N, Jamieson
C, Jones
JS, Shin
K, Ang
EJ, Caruana
K, Chandarana
Chowdhry, M.F.
A, Mohammad
A, Nakas
S, Rathinam
D, Banfield
M, Boal
O, Brown
H, Dean
S, Dwerryhouse
S, Higgs
A, Vallance
E, Boyd
V, Irvine
A, Kirk
G, Bakolas
A, Boulton
A, Chandock
T, Khan
M, Kumar
P, Agoston
A, Billè
B, Challacombe
S, Fraser
Harrison-Phipps, K.
J, King
S, McCrindle
G, Mehra
L, Mills
M, Najdy
R, Nath
L, Okiror
J, Pilling
V, Rizzo
T, Routledge
A, Sayasneh
L, Stroman
A, Wali
M, Fehervari
C, Fotopoulou
N, Habib
Hamrang-Yousefi, S.
M, Pai
J, Ploski
P, Rajagopal
S, Saso
M, Sodergren
D, Spalding
S, Laws
C, Hardie
C, McNaught
R, Alam
A, Budacan
J, Cahill
M, Kalkat
S, Karandikar
L, Kenyon
D, Naumann
A, Patel
F, Chen
J, Cheung
J, Ayorinde
T, Chase
T, Cuming
A, Ghanbari
L, Humphreys
S, Tayeh
Ibrahim A, Aboelkassem
R, Bichoo
H, Cao
AKW, Chai
J, Choudhury
C, Evans
H, Fitzjohn
H, Ikram
E, Khalifa
M, Langstroth
M, Loubani
A, McMillan
S, Nazir
SSA, Qadri
A, Robinson
E, Ross
T, Sehgal
A, Wilkins
J, Dixon
J, Dunning
K, Freystaetter
M, Jha
VRM, Kusuma
S, Lester
A, Madhavan
SV, Thulasiraman
Y, Viswanath
Curl-Roper, T.
C, Delimpalta
CCL, Liao
V, Velchuru
E, Westwood
E, Belcher
Bond-Smith, G.
S, Chidambaram
Chiara F, Di
K, Fasanmade
L, Fraser
H, Fu
M, Ganau
S, Gore
M, Goricar
J, Graystone
D, Jeyaretna
H, Khatkar
M, Lami
M, Maher
S, Mastoridis
J, McVeigh
R, Mihai
R, Myatt
R, Piper
S, Prabhu
OBF, Risk
U, Selbong
K, Shah
P, Silva
R, Smillie
H, Soleymani majd
S, Sravanam
D, Stavroulias
GD, Tebala
M, Vatish
C, Verberne
K, Wallwork
Williams, M.A.
SC, Winter
I, Ahmed
A, Djouani
B, Eddy
S, Folkard
F, Hassan
S, Kommu
G, Papadopoulos
A, Simoes
E, Streeter
Tait-Bailey, J.
M, Thomas
W, Wang
M, Yao
N, Anscomb
Baldwin-Smith, R.
M, Davies
C, Grainger
A, Haji
A, Haq
Nunoo-Mensah, J.W.
M, Rizk
MI, Bhatti
Boyd-Carson, H.
E, Elsey
E, Gemmill
P, Herrod
M, Jibreel
E, Lenzi
T, Saafan
D, Sapre
T, Sian
N, Watson
A, Athanasiou
E, Borg
G, Bourke
L, Bradshaw
A, Brunelli
J, Burke
P, Coe
F, Costigan
H, Elkadi
M, Ho
J, Johnstone
A, Kanatas
V, Kantola
A, Kaufmann
A, Laios
S, Lam
E, MacInnes
S, Munot
C, Nahm
M, Otify
C, Pompili
M, Raslan
H, Salminen
I, Smith
G, Theophilou
G, Toogood
R, Wade
D, Ward
C, West
Al-Harbawee, A.
A, Alharawee
S, Annamalai
C, Ashmore
A, Boddy
T, Hossain
E, Irvine
K, Kassam
A, Kourdouli
CS, Chean
S, Dharamavaram
A, Gvaramadze
A, Jibril
N, Kulkarni
I, Pereira
L, Prusty
K, Shanthakunalan
B, Srikumar
D, Thekkinkattil
S, Adegbola
C, Menakaya
J, Noel
A, Harky
M, Shackcloth
A, Askari
N, Cirocchi
S, Kudchadkar
K, Patel
J, Sagar
S, Shaw
R, Talwar
M, Abdalla
R, Edmondson
O, Ismail
D, Jones
K, Newton
N, Stylianides
A, Aderombi
U, Andaleeb
O, Bajomo
K, Beatson
W, Garrett
M, Mehmood
V, Ng
Al-Habsi, R.
M, Brimioulle
GS, Divya
B, Keeler
RE, Soulsby
A, Taylor
Al-Sarireh, B.
R, Clancy
P, Cripps
T, Dobbs
R, Egan
I, Fabre
R, Harries
A, Henry
M, Kittur
Z, Li
K, Parkins
F, Soliman
N, Spencer
D, Thompson
C, Burgess
C, Gemmell
C, Grieco
M, Hollyman
L, Hunt
J, Morrison
S, Ojha
F, Abbadessa
S, Barnard
N, Dawe
J, Hammond
RM, Koshy
Ali F, Mahmoud
I, McPherson
C, Mellor
J, Moir
S, Pandanaboyana
J, Powell
B, Rai
C, Roy
A, Sachdeva
C, Saleh
S, Tingle
T, Williams
J, Manickavasagam
C, McDonald
N, McGrath
N, McSorley
K, Ragupathy
L, Ramsay
A, Solth
C, Aristotelous
O, Kakisi
K, Seebah
I, Shaikh
L, Sreedharan
L, Touil
J, Shah
P, Ameerally
M, Baguley
C, Gnanachandran
B, Heer
M, Rogers
R, Woods
A, Aujayeb
S, Mills
J, Abu
Addae-Boateng, E.
D, Bratt
L, Brock
N, Burnside
Cadwell-Sneath, S.
K, Gajjar
C, Gan
C, Grundy
K, Hallam
K, Hassell
M, Hawari
A, Joshi
H, Khout
K, Konstantinidi
Lee, R.X.N.
D, Nunns
R, Schiemer
T, Walton
H, Weaver
L, Whisker
K, Williamson
ME, Ahmed
SI, Bukhari
B, Illingworth
S, Kanthasamy
E, Knights
SL, Ong
R, Pujari
KHM, Tan
R, Vanker
M, Michel
S, Patil
S, Ravindran
J, Sarveswaran
L, Scott
I, Biliatis
M, Edmond
E, King
O, Babawale
D, Hodgson
M, Ismail
J, Khan
U, Lokman
YC, Phan
M, Almond
A, Bhangu
O, Breik
LD, Cato
YA, Chowdhury
A, Desai
S, Ford
E, Griffiths
M, Idle
M, Kamal
K, Karia
A, Kisiel
R, Kulkarni
JKC, Mak
T, Martin
P, Nankivell
A, Parente
S, Parmar
Pathanki, A.M.
L, Phelan
P, Praveen
S, Saeed
N, Sharma
J, Singh
G, Solomou
WC, Soon
A, Stevens
F, Tirotta
C, Topham
I, Ughratdar
D, Vijayan
K, Ballantyne
L, Barker
K, Chapman
M, Charalambous
C, Chianakwalam
C, English
J, Evans
A, Fell
D, Frimpong
C, Halkias
R, Iyer
R, Merh
G, Neagu
S, Nikolaou
A, Poddar
V, Pronisceva
V, Reddy
N, Williams
L, Alakandy
P, Bhattathiri
J, Brown
M, Canty
E, Day
A, Geddes
A, Grivas
S, Hassan
S, Lammy
P, Littlechild
C, Maseland
C, Mathieson
J, McCaul
J, McMahon
R, O’Kane
George E, St.
N, Suttner
W, Taylor
E, Tilling
W, English
S, Kaul
AH, Khan
F, Khan
A, Mansuri
S, Mukherjee
M, Sarigul
KL, Tan
P, Vulliamy
A, Woodham
YH, Yang
A, Adiamah
H, Brewer
A, Chowdhury
D, Humes
J, Jackman
A, Koh
Lewis-Lloyd, C.
A, Navarro
O, Oyende
J, Reilly
R, Vohra
D, Worku
P, Cool
G, Cribb
K, Shepherd
C, Bisset
S, Moug
R, Chadha
N, Elson
R, Galleano
G, Faulkner
A, Langone
Z, Panayi
P, Saleh
F, Tuminello
C, Underwood
G, Brixton
L, Findlay
T, Klatte
A, Majkowska
J, Manson
R, Potter
Al-Khyatt, W.
A, Bhalla
Z, Chia
P, Daliya
A, Goyal
E, Grimley
A, Hamad
FL, Malcolm
A, Phillips
E, Theophilidou
S, Williams
J, Bowden
N, Campain
I, Daniels
G, Fowler
J, John
L, Massey
F, McDermott
J, McGrath
A, McLennan
M, Ng
J, Pascoe
N, Rajaretnam
N, Angamuthu
S, Bulathsinhala
S, Chowdhury
B, Davidson
G, Fusai
J, Gilliland
C, Hart
Salinas C, Hidalgo
J, Knowles
N, Machairas
R, Mirnezami
T, Pissanou
JM, Pollok
DA, Raptis
F, Soggiu
H, Tzerbinis
M, Varcada
S, Xyda
A, Beamish
E, Davies
R, Foulkes
D, Magowan
H, Nassa
R, Ooi
C, Price
L, Smith
F, Solari
A, Tang
G, Williams
Kahar NN, Abd
Al-Tamimi, Y.
A, Bacon
N, Beasley
J, Catto
LH, Chan
D, Chew
M, Crank
N, Ilenkovan
M, Macdonald
B, Narice
O, Rominiyi
S, Saad
S, Sinha
A, Thompson
I, Varley
P, Brennan
T, Drake
EM, Harrison
G, Linder
J, Mayes
R, McGregor
R, Pasricha
RJE, Skipworth
V, Zamvar
P, Hawkin
T, Raymond
O, Ryska
R, Baron
D, Dunne
S, Gahunia
C, Halloran
N, Howes
R, McKinney
F, McNicol
K, Rajput
J, Russ
R, Sutton
P, Szatmary
JR, Tan
P, Whelan
A, Anzak
A, Banerjee
O, Fuwa
F, Hughes
Jayasinghe, J.D.
C, Knowles
HM, Kocher
Silva I, Leal
FS, Ledesma
A, Minicozzi
L, Navaratne
P, Patki
R, Rahman
R, Ramamoorthy
C, Sohrabi
C, Tanabalan
M, Thaha
B, Thakur
M, Venn
V, Yip
R, Baumber
J, Parry
S, Evans
L, Jeys
G, Morris
M, Parry
N, Ahmadi
G, Aresu
Barrett-Brown, Z.M.
A, Coonar
Yates H, Durio
D, Gearon
J, Hogan
M, King
A, Peryt
IS, Pradeep
M, Adishesh
R, Atherton
K, Baxter
M, Brocklehurst
M, Chaudhury
N, Krishnamohan
J, McAleer
G, Owens
E, Parkin
P, Patkar
I, Phang
A, Aladeojebi
M, Ali
B, Barmayehvar
A, Gaunt
M, Gowda
E, Halliday
M, Kitchen
F, Mansour
P, Nanjaiah
D, Zakai
Abbassi-Ghadi, N.
H, Assalaarachchi
A, Currie
M, Flavin
A, Frampton
M, Hague
C, Hammer
J, Hopper
J, Horsnell
S, Humphries
A, Kamocka
TK, Madhuri
S, Preston
P, Singh
J, Stebbing
A, Tailor
D, Walker
E, Coomber
S, Jaunoo
L, Kennedy
A, Airey
J, Bunni
R, Crowley
K, Fairhurst
J, Frost
R, George
S, Lee
S, Mitchell
J, Phull
S, Richards
F, Aljanadi
A, Campbell
A, Glass
I, Hraishawi
M, Jones
C, McIlmunn
S, McIntosh
P, Mhandu
C, O’Donnell
R, Turkington
Al-Ishaq, Z.
S, Bhasin
AS, Bodla
A, Burahee
A, Crichton
El-Ghobashy, A.
R, Fossett
N, Pigadas
E, Rahman
D, Snee
R, Vidya
N, Yassin
D, Fountain
Hasan, M.T.
K, Karabatsou
R, Laurente
O, Pathmanaban
C, Barlow
D, Ding
J, Foster
L, Longstaff
Brett-Miller, C.
FE, Buruiana
A, Al-mukhtar
J, Edwards
A, Giblin
C, Kelty
M, Lee
G, Lye
T, Newman
A, Sharkey
C, Steele
Shah N, Sureshkumar
E, Whitehall
J, Blair
A, Lakhiani
Parry-Smith, W.
B, Sahu
R, Athwal
A, Baker
L, Jones
C, Konstantinou
S, Ramcharan
J, Vatish
R, Wilkin
A, Alzetani
K, Amer
A, Badran
HV, Colvin
M, Ethunandan
GK, Sekhon
Z, Shakoor
H, Shields
R, Singh
T, Talbot
F, Wensley
S, Lawday
A, Lyons
S, Newman
E, Chung
R, Hagger
A, Hainsworth
I, Hunt
A, Karim
H, Owen
A, Ramwell
G, Santhirakumaran
J, Smelt
C, Tan
P, Vaughan
K, Williams
C, Baker
A, Davies
J, Gossage
M, Kelly
W, Knight
S, Bromage
J, Hall
V, Kaushik
M, Rudic
N, Vallabh
Y, Zhang
G, Harris
G, James
C, Kang
DJ, Lin
AD, Rajgor
T, Royle
R, Scurrah
B, Steel
LJ, Watson
D, Choi
R, Hutchison
V, Luoma
HJ, Marcus
R, May
A, Menon
B, Pramodana
L, Webber
A, Hayes
R, Jones
G, Sivarajah
M, Smith
A, Smrke
D, Strauss
FAM, Abouelela
IA, Aneke
P, Asaad
B, Brown
J, Collis
S, Duff
A, Khan
F, Moura
M, Taylor
B, Wadham
H, Warburton
T, Elmoslemany
Jenkinson, M.D.
CP, Millward
R, Zakaria
S, Mccluney
C, Parmar
S, Shah
J, Allison
Babar, M.S.
J, Bowen
B, Collard
S, Goodrum
K, Lau
M, Sargent
R, Scott
E, Thomas
H, Whitmore
D, Balasubramaniam
B, Jayasankar
S, Kapoor
A, Ramachandran
C, Semple
A, Elhamshary
SMB, Imam
K, Kapriniotis
V, Kasivisvanathan
J, Lindsay
Rakhshani-Moghadam, S.
N, Beech
M, Chand
L, Green
N, Kalavrezos
H, Kiconco
R, McEwen
C, Schilling
D, Sinha
J, Pereca
S, Chopra
D, Egbeare
R, Thomas
S, Arumugam
B, Ibrahim
K, Khan
T, Combellack
G, Hill
S, Jones
M, Kornaszewska
M, Mohammed
G, Tahhan
V, Valtzoglou
N, Blencowe
P, Eskander
K, Gash
L, Gourbault
M, Hanna
TA, Maccabe
B, Main
J, Olivier
C, Newton
S, Roswadowski
N, Ryan
E, Teh
D, West
H, Al-omishy
M, Baig
H, Bates
Taranto G, Di
K, Dickson
N, Dunne
C, Gill
D, Howe
D, Jeevan
A, Khajuria
Martin-Ucar, A.
K, McEvoy
P, Naredla
S, Robertson
M, Sait
DR, Sarma
S, Shanbhag
T, Shortland
S, Simmonds
J, Skillman
N, Tewari
G, Walton
Akhtar, M.A.
A, Brunt
J, McIntyre
K, Milne
MM, Rashid
A, Sgrò
KE, Stewart
A, Turnbull
Abou-Foul, A.K.
G, Gossedge
S, O’Donnell
F, Oldfield
S, Thomson
Gonzalez M, Aguilar
S, Talukder
C, Boyle
D, Fernando
K, Gallagher
A, Laird
D, Tham
M, Bath
P, Basnyat
H, Davis
P, Montauban
A, Shrestha
K, Agarwal
T, Arif
C, Magee
T, Nambirajan
S, Powell
R, Vinayagam
I, Flindall
A, Hanson
V, Mahendran
S, Green
M, Lim
L, MacDonald
V, Miu
L, Onos
K, Sheridan
R, Young
F, Alam
O, Griffiths
C, Houlden
VS, Kolli
AK, Lala
S, Leeson
R, Peevor
Z, Seymour
E, Consorti
R, Gonzalez
R, Grolman
Kwan-Feinberg, R.
T, Liu
O, Merzlikin
Francisco, San
A, Brown
Z, Cooper
S, Hirji
J, Jolissaint
D, Mahvi
B, Okafor
CP, Raut
V, Roxo
A, Salim
S, Bessen
L, Chen
L, Dagrosa
K, Fay
C, Fleischer
R, Hasson
E, Henderson
M, Leech
A, Loehrer
C, Markey
J, Paydarfar
K, Rosenkranz
K, Telma
N, Tocci
Wilkinson-Ryan, I.
M, Bokenkamp
K, Brown
D, Fleming
C, Heron
C, Hill
H, Kay
E, Leede
K, McElhinney
KA, Olson
EC, Osterberg
C, Riley
P, Srikanth
J, Barbour
D, Blazer
GA, DiLalla
O, Fayanju
ES, Hwang
R, Kahmke
H, Kazaure
A, Lazarides
W, Lee
M, Lidsky
C, Menendez
D, Moris
J, Plichta
MC, Pradhan
L, Puscas
HE, Rice
D, Rocke
L, Rosenberger
R, Scheri
Smith, B.D.
Stang, M.T.
L, Tolnitch
K, Turnage
J, Visgauss
FS, Walton
T, Watts
S, Zani
J, Farma
K, Cardona
MC, Russell
J, Clark
D, Kwon
N, Goel
J, Kronenfeld
B, Bigelow
E, Etchill
Gabre-Kidan, A.
H, Jenny
A, Kent
MR, Ladd
C, Long
H, Malapati
A, Margalit
S, Rapaport
J, Rose
K, Stevens
L, Tsai
D, Vervoort
P, Yesantharao
A, Dehal
D, Klaristenfeld
K, Huynh
H, Kaafarani
L, Naar
M, Qadan
L, Brown
I, Ganly
JE, Mullinax
N, Alpert
C, Gillezeau
Miles DDS MD, F.A.C.S.B.A.
E, Taioli
DE, Cha
E, Gleeson
C, Horn
U, Sarpel
N, Gusani
J, Hazelton
J, Maines
JS, Oh
A, Ssentongo
P, Ssentongo
A, Bhama
K, Colling
M, Najarian
M, Azam
A, Choudhry
W, Marx
Y, Abedin
G, Arzumanov
R, Chokshi
S, Gabrilovich
N, Glass
E, Kalyoussef
Parvin-Nejad, F.P.
D, Roden
J, Stein
Suarez-Ligon, A.
G, Tsui
K, Zhao
J, Fleming
A, Fuson
J, Gigliotti
A, Ovaitt
Y, Ying
MK, Abel
V, Andaya
K, Bigay
Boeck, M.A.
H, Chern
C, Corvera
El-Sayed, I.
A, Glencer
P, Ha
Hamilton, B.C.S.
C, Heaton
K, Hirose
Jablons, D.M.
KS, Kirkwood
LZ, Kornblith
JR, Kratz
RH, Lee
PN, Miller
EK, Nakakura
Nunez-Garcia, B.
RJ, O’Donnell
D, Ozgediz
P, Park
B, Robinson
A, Sarin
B, Sheu
MG, Varma
KC, Wai
R, Wustrack
MJ, Xu
M, Zimel
D, CA) Beswick
J, Goddard
J, Manor
J, Song
Springs/Loveland, Denver/Colorado
A, Cioci
W, Pavlis
K, Rakoczy
G, Ruiz
R, Saberi
T, Fullmer
C, Gaskill
N, Gross
K, Kiong
CL, Roland
SN, Zafar
M, Abdallah
A, Abouassi
E, Aigbivbalu
M, Almasri
J, Eid
B, George
G, Kulkarni
H, Marwan
M, Mehdi
Andrés M, San
J, Sundaresan
SG, Aoun
VS, Ban
HH, Batjer
K, Bosler
J, Caruso
B, Sumer
D, Abbott
A, Acher
T, Aiken
J, Barrett
E, Foley
PB, Schwartz
AT, Hawkins
A, Maiga
NM, Ruzgar
M, Sion
S, Ullrich
J, Laufer
S, Scasso
Al-Naggar, H.
Al-Shehari, M.
A, Almassaudi
M, Alsayadi
R, Alsayadi
M, Nahshal
S, Shream
S, AL-Ameri
M, Aldawbali
Fotopoulou, Christina
Khan, Tabassum
Bracinik, Juraj
Glasbey, James
Abu-Rustum, Nadeem
Chiva, Luis
Fagotti, Anna
Fujiwara, Keiichi
Ghebre, Rahel
Gutelkin, Murat
Konney, Thomas O.
Ng, Joseph
Pareja, Rene
Kottayasamy Seenivasagam, Rajkumar
Sehouli, Jalid
Surappa, Shylasree T.S.
Leung, Elaine
DB Label
Database : ScienceDirect


Transplantation [Transplantation] 2024 May 16. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 May 16.
Zanatta P; Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Linassi F; Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.; Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padova, Italy.
Gasparetto N; Division of Cardiology, Neuro-Cardio-Vascular Department, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Polesello L; Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Bussola M; Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Nascimben E; Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Minniti G; Division of Cardiac Surgery, Neuro-Cardio-Vascular Department, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana Piazzale Ospedale 1, Treviso, Italy.
Cernetti C; Division of Cardiology, Neuro-Cardio-Vascular Department, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Angelini M; Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Feltrin G; Veneto Region Transplant Center Coordination, Veneto Region, Italy.
Romano M; Division of Hepato-Pancreatic and Kidney Transplantation Surgery, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Zanus G; Division of Hepato-Pancreatic and Kidney Transplantation Surgery, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Benazzi F; Department of Hospital Strategic Direction, Treviso Regional Hospital AULSS 2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Gerosa G; Cardiac Surgery Clinic, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic-Vascular Sciences and Public Health, University of Padova, Padova, Italy.
DB Label
Database : MEDLINE


JAMA surgery [JAMA Surg] 2024 May 15. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 May 15.
Vitale A; Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences (DiSCOG), University of Padova, Second General Surgical Unit, Padova Teaching Hospital, Padua, Italy.
Romano P; Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences (DiSCOG), University of Padova, Second General Surgical Unit, Padova Teaching Hospital, Padua, Italy.
Cillo U; Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences (DiSCOG), University of Padova, Second General Surgical Unit, Padova Teaching Hospital, Padua, Italy.
Lauterio A; Department of General and Transplant Surgery, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.
Sangiovanni A; Department of Gastroenterologiy and Hepatology, Foundation IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico Milan, Milan, Italy.
Cabibbo G; Department of Health Promotion, Mother & Child Care, Internal Medicine & Medical Specialties, PROMISE, Section of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy.
Missale G; Department of Medicine and Surgery, Infectious Diseases and Hepatology Unit, University of Parma and Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria of Parma, Parma, Italy.
Marseglia M; Division of Internal Medicine, Hepatobiliary and Immunoallergic Disease, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
Trevisani F; Unit of Semeiotics, Liver and Alcohol-Related Diseases, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
Foschi FG; Medicina Interna Faenza, Dipartimento Emergenza, Medicina Interna e Cardiologia IRCCS-Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio dei Tumori 'Dino Amadori' Meldola, AUSL Romagna, Meldola, Italy.
Cipriani F; Hepatobiliary Surgery Division, 'Vita e Salute' University, Ospedale San Raffaele IRCCS, Milan, Italy.
Famularo S; Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Milan, Italy; Department of Hepatobiliary and General Surgery, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy.
Marra F; Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Internal Medicine and Hepatology Unit, University of Firenze, Florence, Italy.
Saitta C; Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Division of Medicine and Hepatology, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.
Serenari M; Hepatobiliary Surgery and Transplant Unit, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
Vidili G; Department of Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy, AOU Sassari, Italy.
Morisco F; Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Departmental Program 'Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System', University of Napoli 'Federico II', Naples, Italy.
Caturelli E; Gastroenterology Unit, Belcolle Hospital, Viterbo, Italy.
Mega A; Gastroenterology Unit, Bolzano Regional Hospital, Bolzano, Italy.
Pelizzaro F; Department of Surgery, Oncology, and Gastroenterology, Gastroenterology Unit, University of Padova, Padua, Italy.
Nicolini D; HPB Surgery and Transplantation Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy.
Ardito F; Hepatobiliary Surgery Unit, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A Gemelli, IRCCS, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.
Garancini M; School of medicine and surgery, University of Milano Bicocca, IRCCS Fondazione San Gerardo, Monza, Italy.
Masotto A; Gastroenterology Unit, Ospedale Sacro Cuore Don Calabria, Negrar, Italy.
Baroni GS; Liver Injury and Transplant Unit and Obesity Center, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy.
Azzaroli F; Gastroenterology Unit, Department of Surgical and Medical Sciences, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero, Universitaria di Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
Giannini E; Gastroenterology Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy.; Gastroenterology Unit, IRCCS Ospedale San Martino, Genoa, Italy.
Perri P; Division of Hepatobiliary pancreatic Unit, IRCCS-Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy.
Scarinci A; Division of Hepatobiliary pancreatic Unit, IRCCS-Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy.
Fontana AP; Department of General and Oncological Surgery, Mauriziano Hospital 'Umberto I', Turin, Italy.
Brunetto MR; UO Epatologia, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Pisana, Pisa, Italy.
Iaria M; Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy.
Di Marco M; Medicine Unit, Bolognini Hospital, Seriate, Italy.
Nardone G; Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Hepato-Gastroenterology Unit, University of Napoli 'Federico II', Naples, Italy.
Dominioni T; Unit of General Surgery 1, University of Pavia and Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy.
Lai Q; General Surgery and Organ Transplantation Unit, Sapienza University of Rome, Umberto I Polyclinic of Rome, Rome, Italy.
Ferrari C; HPB Surgical Unit, San Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.
Rapaccini GL; Gastroenterology Unit, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A Gemelli, IRCCS, Roma, Italy.
Rodolfo S; Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy Unit, Foggia University Hospital, Foggia, Italy.
Romano M; Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Science (DISCOG), University of Padua, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Treviso Hospital, Treviso, Italy.
Conci S; Division of General and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgical Sciences, Dentistry, Gynecology and Pediatrics, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Zoli M; Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Internal Medicine-Zoli Unit, Alma Mater Studiorum,Università di Bologna, Padova, Italy.
Conticchio M; Department of Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary Surgery, Miulli Hospital, Bari, Italy.
Zanello M; Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, AOU Sant'Orsola Malpighi, IRCCS at Maggiore Hospital, Bologna, Italy.
Zimmitti G; Department of General Surgery, Poliambulanza Foundation Hospital, Brescia, Italy.
Fumagalli L; Department of Emergency and Robotic Surgery, ASST Lecco, Lecco, Italy.
Troci A; Department of Surgery, L Sacco Hospital, Milan, Italy.
Germani P; Division of General Surgery, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, ASUGI, Trieste, Italy.
Gasbarrini A; Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli, IRCCS and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy.
La Barba G; General and Oncologic Surgery, Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna Forlì, Forlì, Italy.
De Angelis M; Department of General Surgery, Ospedale Carlo Poma, Mantua, Italy.
Patauner S; Department of General and Pediatric Surgery, Bolzano Central Hospital, Bolzano, Italy.
Molfino S; Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy.
Zago M; Department of Surgery, Ponte San Pietro Hospital, Bergamo, Italy; Department of Emergency and Robotic Surgery, ASST Lecco, Lecco, Italy.
Pinotti E; Department of Surgery, Ponte San Pietro Hospital, Bergamo, Italy; Department of Emergency and Robotic Surgery, ASST Lecco, Lecco, Italy.
Frigo AC; Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health Unit, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular Sciences and Public Health, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.
Baiocchi GL; Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy.
Frena A; Department of General and Pediatric Surgery, Bolzano Central Hospital, Bolzano, Italy.
Boccia L; Department of General Surgery, Ospedale Carlo Poma, Mantua, Italy.
Ercolani G; General and Oncologic Surgery, Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna Forlì, Forlì, Italy.
Tarchi P; Division of General Surgery, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, ASUGI, Trieste, Italy.
Crespi M; Department of Surgery, L Sacco Hospital, Milan, Italy.
Chiarelli M; Department of Emergency and Robotic Surgery, ASST Lecco, Lecco, Italy.
Abu Hilal M; Department of General Surgery, Poliambulanza Foundation Hospital, Brescia, Italy.
Cescon M; Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, AOU Sant'Orsola Malpighi, IRCCS at Maggiore Hospital, Bologna, Italy.
Memeo R; Department of Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary Surgery, Miulli Hospital, Bari, Italy.
Ruzzenente A; Division of General and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgical Sciences, Dentistry, Gynecology and Pediatrics, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Zanus G; Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Science (DISCOG), University of Padua, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Treviso Hospital, Treviso, Italy.
Griseri G; HPB Surgical Unit, San Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.
Rossi M; General Surgery and Organ Transplantation Unit, Sapienza University of Rome, Umberto I Polyclinic of Rome, Rome, Italy.
Maestri M; Unit of General Surgery 1, University of Pavia and Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy.
Della Valle R; Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy.
Ferrero A; Department of General and Oncological Surgery, Mauriziano Hospital 'Umberto I', Turin, Italy.
Grazi GL; Division of Hepatobiliary pancreatic Unit, IRCCS-Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy.; Now with HepatoBiliaryPancreatic Surgery, AOU Careggi, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
Romano F; School of medicine and surgery, University of Milano Bicocca, IRCCS Fondazione San Gerardo, Monza, Italy.
Giuliante F; Hepatobiliary Surgery Unit, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A Gemelli, IRCCS, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.
Vivarelli M; HPB Surgery and Transplantation Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy.
Jovine E; Hepatobiliary Surgery and Transplant Unit, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
Torzilli G; Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Milan, Italy; Department of Hepatobiliary and General Surgery, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy.
Aldrighetti L; Hepatobiliary Surgery Division, 'Vita e Salute' University, Ospedale San Raffaele IRCCS, Milan, Italy.
De Carlis L; Department of General and Transplant Surgery, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.
DB Label
Database : MEDLINE


Annals of surgery [Ann Surg] 2024 Feb 26. Date of Electronic Publication: 2024 Feb 26.
Boggi U; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Kauffmann E; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Napoli N; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Barreto SG; College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University, South Australia, Australia, Division of Surgery and Perioperative Medicine, Flinders Medical Center, Beadfor Park, Australia.
Besselink MG; Amsterdam UMC, location University of Amsterdam, Department of Surgery, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Fusai GK; HPB & Liver Transplant Unit, Royal Free Hospital, London - UK.
Hackert T; Department of General, Visceral and Thoracic Surgery, University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany.
Abu Hilal M; Department of Surgery, Poliambulanza Foundation Hospital, Brescia, Italy.
Marchegiani G; Hepatopancreatobiliary and Liver Transplant Surgery, Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology, DiSCOG, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.
Salvia R; General and Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Pancreas Institute, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Shrikhande S; Tata Memorial Hospital, Gastrointestinal and HPB Service, Homi Bhabha National Institute, Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai, India.
Truty M; Division of Hepatobiliary & Pancreas Surgery, Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN, USA.
Werner J; Department of General, Visceral, and Transplant Surgery, LMU, University of Munich, Germany.
Wolfgang C; Department of Surgery, The NYU Grossman School of Medicine and NYU Langone Health, New York, NY, USA.
Bannone E; Department of Surgery, Poliambulanza Foundation Hospital, Brescia, Italy.
Capretti G; IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy.
Cattelani A; General and Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Pancreas Institute, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Coppola A; Department of Surgery, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
Cucchetti A; Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - DIMEC; Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna; Bologna, Italy.
De Sio D; Gemelli Pancreatic Center, CRMPG (Advanced Pancreatic Research Center), Fondazione Policlinico Universitario 'Agostino Gemelli' IRCCS, Rome, Italy.
Di Dato A; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Di Meo G; Department of Precision and Regenerative Medicine and Ionian Area (DiMePre-J) University of Bari, Italy.
Fiorillo C; Gemelli Pancreatic Center, CRMPG (Advanced Pancreatic Research Center), Fondazione Policlinico Universitario 'Agostino Gemelli' IRCCS, Rome, Italy.
Gianfaldoni C; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Ginesini M; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Hidalgo Salinas C; Kellogg College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
Lai Q; Department of General and Specialty Surgery, Sapienza University of Rome, AOU Policlinico Umberto I of Rome, Rome, Italy.
Miccoli M; Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Montorsi R; Amsterdam UMC, location University of Amsterdam, Department of Surgery, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.; Cancer Center Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Pagnanelli M; IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy.
Poli A; Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Ricci C; Department of Internal Medicine and Surgery (DIMEC), Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Italy, Division of Pancreatic Surgery, IRCCS, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna (IRCCS AOUBO).
Sucameli F; Department of Surgery, Poliambulanza Foundation Hospital, Brescia, Italy.
Tamburrino D; Division of Pancreatic Surgery, Pancreas Translational and Clinical Research Center, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute University, Milan, Italy.
Viti V; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Addeo PF; Division of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Hôpital de Hautepierre-Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
Alfieri S; Gemelli Pancreatic Center, CRMPG (Advanced Pancreatic Research Center), Fondazione Policlinico Universitario 'Agostino Gemelli' IRCCS, Rome, Italy.
Bachellier P; Division of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Hôpital de Hautepierre-Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
Baiocchi G; Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia and UOC General Surgery, ASST Cremona, Italy.
Balzano G; Division of Pancreatic Surgery, Pancreas Translational and Clinical Research Center, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute University, Milan, Italy.
Barbarello L; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Brolese A; Department of General Surgery & HPB Unit, APSS, Trento, Italy.
Busquets J; Division of Pancreatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation, Department of Surgery, Bellvitge University Hospital, IDIBELL, L´Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.
Butturini G; Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery, Pederzoli Hospital, Peschiera del Garda, Verona, Italy.
Caniglia F; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Caputo D; Research Unit of General Surgery, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Via Alvaro del Portillo 200,00128 Rome, Italy.; Operative Research Unit of General Surgery, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico, Roma, Italy.
Casadei R; Department of Internal Medicine and Surgery (DIMEC), Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Italy, Division of Pancreatic Surgery, IRCCS, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna (IRCCS AOUBO).
Chunhua X; Pancreas Center, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University.; Pancreas Institute, Nanjing Medical University.; Department of General Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University.
Colangelo E; Department of General Surgery, 'G. Mazzini' Hospital, Teramo, Italy.
Coratti A; Department of General and Emergency Surgery, AUSL Toscana Sud Est, Misericordia Hospital of Grosseto, Italy.
Costa F; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Crafa F; Division of General, Oncological and Robotic Surgery, San Giuseppe Moscati Hospital, Avellino Italy.
Dalla Valle R; Department of Medicine and Surgery, HPB Unit, University of Parma, Parma, Italy.
De Carlis L; Division of HPB Surgery and Transplantation, Niguarda Hospital , University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.
de Wilde RF; Department of Surgery, Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
Del Chiaro M; Department of Surgery, University of Colorado School of Medicine. Aurora, Colorado, USA.
Di Benedetto F; Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation Unit, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy.
Di Sebastiano P; Surgical Oncology, Pierangeli Clinic, Department of Innovative Technology in Medicine & Dentistry, G. D'Annunzio University Chieti-Pescara, Italy.
Dokmak S; department of HPB surgery and liver transplantation, Beaujon hospital, Clichy, France. University Paris Cité, Paris, France.
Hogg M; Division of HPB Surgery, Department of Surgery, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston, IL, USA.
Egorov VI; Department for Surgical Oncology and HPB Surgery, Ilyinskaya Hospital, Moscow, Russia.
Ercolani G; Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - DIMEC; Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna; Bologna, Italy.
Ettorre GM; Department of General Surgery and Transplantation. San Camillo Forlanini Hospital-POIT. Rome, Italy.
Falconi M; Division of Pancreatic Surgery, Pancreas Translational and Clinical Research Center, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute University, Milan, Italy.
Ferrari G; Division of Minimally-invasive Surgical Oncology, ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, Italy.
Ferrero A; Department of General and Oncological Surgery, 'Umberto I' Mauriziano Hospital, Turin, Italy.
Filauro M; Department of Surgery Galliera Hospital, Genova, Italy.
Giardino A; Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery, Pederzoli Hospital, Peschiera del Garda, Verona, Italy.
Grazi GL; Division of HepatoBiliaryPancreatic Surgery, AOU Careggi, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
Gruttaduaria S; Department for the Treatment and Study of Abdominal Diseases and Abdominal Transplantation, Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico-Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione (IRCCS-ISMETT), University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Italy (UPMC Italy), Palermo, Italy.; Department of General Surgery and Medical-Surgical Specialties, University of Catania, Catania, Italy.
Izbicki JR; Department of general visceral and thoracic surgery, University Hospital Eppendorf University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
Jovine E; Department of Surgery, Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Bologna.
Katz M; The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA.
Keck T; Department of Surgery, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck, Lübeck, Germany.
Khatkov I; Department of High Technology Surgery, Moscow Clinical Scientific Center. Moscow, Russia.
Kiguchi G; Department of Surgery, Hirakata Kohsai Hospital, Osaka, Japan.
Kooby D; Department of Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Lang H; University Medical Centre of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.
Lombardo C; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Malleo G; General and Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Pancreas Institute, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Massani M; Department of Surgery, Regional Hospital of Treviso, Treviso, Italy.
Mazzaferro V; Department of Oncology and Hemato-oncology, University of Milan HPB Surgery and Liver Transplantation Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy.
Memeo R; Department of HPB Surgery, Miulli Hospital, Acquaviva delle Fonti, Bari, Italy.
Miao Y; Pancreas Center, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University.; Pancreas Institute, Nanjing Medical University.; Department of General Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University.; Pancreas Center, The Affiliated BenQ Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China.
Mishima K; Research Institute against Digestive Cancer (IRCAD), Strasbourg, France.
Molino C; Department of General and Speciality Surgery, General and Pancreatic Surgery Team 1, AORN A. Cardarelli, Naples, Italy.
Nagakawa Y; Department of Gastrointestinal and Pediatric Surgery, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan.
Nakamura M; Department of Surgery and Oncology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Nardo B; Division of General Surgery, Department of Surgery and Robotic, Annunziata Hub Hospital, School of Medicine Surgery and TD, University of Calabria, Cosenza, Italy.
Panaro F; Department of Surgery, Division of HBP Surgery & Transplantation. Montpellier University Hospital School of Medicine, Montpellier, France.
Pasquali C; Pancreatic & Digestive Endocrine Surgery Research Group - Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology, DiSCOG, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.
Perrone V; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Rangelova E; Section for Upper Abdominal Surgery at the Department of Surgery, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden; Department of Surgery at the Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Riu L; Second Department of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery, Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China.
Romagnoli R; Division of General Surgery 2U - Liver Transplant Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, University of Turin, Turin, Italy.
Romito R; Division of General Surgery II and HPB Unit, A.O.U. Maggiore della Carità di Novara, Novara, Italy.
Rosso E; Service de Chirurgie Générale, Mini-Invasive et Robotique, Centre Hôspitalier de.
Schulick R; Department of Surgery, University of Colorado School of Medicine. Aurora, Colorado, USA.
Siriwardena A; Regional Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Unit, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, UK.
Spampinato M; Department of General and Minimally Invasive Surgery, 'Vito Fazzi' Hospital, Lecce, Italy Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Strobel O; Department of General Surgery, Division of Visceral Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
Testini M; Department of Precision and Regenerative Medicine and Ionian Area (DiMePre-J) University of Bari, Italy.
Troisi R; Division of HBP, Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery, Transplantation Service Federico II University Hospital - Naples, Italy.
Uzunoglo FG; Department of general visceral and thoracic surgery, University Hospital Eppendorf University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
Valente R; Department of Surgery, ASL3 Genovese, Genoa, Italy.
Veneroni L; Chirurgia Generale, Infermi Hospital Rimini, AUSL Romagna, Rimini, Italy.
Zerbi A; IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy.
Vicente E; Sanchinarro University Hospital, General Surgery Department, San Pablo University, CEU, Madrid, Spain.
Vistoli F; Division of General Surgery and Transplantation, Department of Biotechnological and Applied Clinical Sciences, University of L'Aquila, L'Aquila, Italy.
Vivarelli M; Division of Hepatobiliary, Pancreatic and Transplantation Surgery, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ospedali Riuniti delle Marche, Ancona, Italy.
Wakabayashi G; Center for Advanced Treatment of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Diseases, Ageo Central General Hospital, Saitama, Japan.
Zanus G; Second Division of Surgery-Treviso-Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology, DiSCOG, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.
Zureikat A; Division of Surgical Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Zyromski NJ; Department of Surgery, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA.
Coppola R; Research Unit of General Surgery, Department of Medicine and Surgery, University Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Via Alvaro del Portillo 200,00128 Rome, Italy.; Operative Research Unit of General Surgery, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico, Roma, Italy.
D'Andrea V; Department of Surgery, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
Davide J; Department of Surgery, HEBIPA - Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Unit, Hospital de Santo António, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Dervenis C; Department HPB Surgery, Metropolitan Hospital, Athens, Greece.
Frigerio I; Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery, Pederzoli Hospital, Peschiera del Garda, Verona, Italy.
Konlon KC; School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
Michelassi F; Department of Surgery, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York-Presbyterian Hospital at Weill Cornell, New Yourk, NY, USA.
Montorsi M; Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Italy.; Division of General and Digestive Surgery, Department of General Surgery, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy.
Nealon W; Department of Surgery, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, Manhasset, NY, USA; Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra, New Hyde Park, NY, USA.
Portolani N; Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Surgical Clinic, University of Brescia, Italy.
Sousa Silva D; Department of Surgery, HEBIPA - Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Unit, Hospital de Santo António, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Bozzi G; Associazione per Donare la Vita Onlus, Pisa, Italy.
Ferrari V; Associazione Nastro Viola, Brescia, Italy.
Trivella MG; Associazione Oncologica Pisana P. Trivella, Pisa, Italy.
Cameron J; Department of Surgery, John Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.
Clavien PA; Department of Surgery and Transplantation, University Hospital Zurich, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Asbun HJ; Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Surgery, Miami Cancer Institute, Miami, FL, USA.
DB Label
Database : MEDLINE

Updates in surgery [Updates Surg] 2024 Jan; Vol. 76 (1), pp. 327-328.
Boggi U; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy. u.boggi@med.unipi.it.
Donisi G; Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Italy.; IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Italy.
Napoli N; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Partelli S; Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Pancreas Translational and Clinical Research Center, OSR ENETS Center of Excellence, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.; Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy.
Esposito A; General and Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Pancreas Institute, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Ferrari G; Division of Minimally-Invasive Surgical Oncology, ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, Italy.
Butturini G; Department of Surgery, Pederzoli Hospital, Peschiera, Italy.
Morelli L; General Surgery, Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.; EndoCAS (Center for Computer Assisted Surgery), University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Abu Hilal M; Department of Surgery, Poliambulanza Foundation Hospital, Brescia, Italy.
Viola M; Department of Surgery, Ospedale Card. G. Panico, Tricase, Italy.
Di Benedetto F; Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation Unit, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy.
Troisi R; Division of HPB Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University Hospital, Naples, Italy.
Vivarelli M; Hepatobiliary and Abdominal Transplantation Surgery, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Riuniti Hospital, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy.
Jovine E; Department of General Surgery, IRCCS, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Maggiore Hospital, Bologna, Italy.
Ferrero A; Department of General and Oncological Surgery, 'Umberto I' Mauriziano Hospital, Turin, Italy.
Bracale U; Department Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University of Naples, Via Pansini 5, 80131, Naples, Italy.
Alfieri S; Digestive Surgery, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, IRCCS, Catholic University, Rome, Italy.
Casadei R; Division of Pancreatic Surgery, Department of Internal Medicine and Surgery (DIMEC), IRCCS, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
Ercolani G; General and Oncology Surgery, Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital, Forli, Italy.
Moraldi L; Division of Oncologic Surgery and Robotics, Department of Oncology, Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy.
Molino C; Department of Oncological Surgery Team 1, 'Antonio Cardarelli' Hospital, Naples, Italy.
Dalla Valle R; Hepatobiliary Surgery Unit Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy.
Ettorre G; Transplantation Department, S. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy.
Memeo R; Department of Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary Surgery, General Regional Hospital 'F. Miulli', Acquaviva Delle Fonti, Bari, Italy.
Zanus G; 4th Surgery Unit, Azienda ULSS2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Belli A; Division of Hepatobiliary Surgical Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione Pascale-IRCCS di Napoli, Naples, Italy.
Gruttadauria S; Abdominal Surgery and Organ Transplantation Unit, ISMETT, Palermo, Italy.
Brolese A; Department of General Surgery and HPB Unit, Santa Chiara Hospital, Trento, Italy.
Coratti A; USL Toscana Sud Est, Misericordia Hospital, Grosseto, Italy.
Garulli G; General Surgery Unit, Infermi Hospital, Rimini, Italy.
Romagnoli R; Liver Transplant Center-General Surgery 2U, University of Turin, AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Turin, Italy.
Massani M; Department of Surgery, Regional Hospital of Treviso, Treviso, Italy.
Borghi F; IRCCS Candiolo, Turin, Italy.
Belli G; Ospedale Loreto Mare, Naples, Italy.
Coppola R; Department of Surgery, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy.
Falconi M; Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Pancreas Translational and Clinical Research Center, OSR ENETS Center of Excellence, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.
Salvia R; General and Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Pancreas Institute, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Zerbi A; Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Italy.
DB Label
Database : MEDLINE


HPB : the official journal of the International Hepato Pancreato Biliary Association [HPB (Oxford)] 2023 Oct; Vol. 25 (10), pp. 1223-1234. Date of Electronic Publication: 2023 Jun 12.
Famularo S; Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Milan, Italy; Department of Hepatobiliary and General Surgery, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy; Surgical Data Science Team, Research Institute Against Digestive Cancer (IRCAD), Strasbourg, France. Electronic address: simone.famularo@gmail.com.
Cillo U; Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences (DiSCOG), University of Padova, Second General Surgical Unit, Padova Teaching Hospital, Padua, Italy.
Lauterio A; Department of General and Transplant Surgery, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.
Donadon M; Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Milan, Italy; Department of Hepatobiliary and General Surgery, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy.
Vitale A; Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Sciences (DiSCOG), University of Padova, Second General Surgical Unit, Padova Teaching Hospital, Padua, Italy.
Serenari M; Hepato-biliary Surgery and Transplant Unit, Policlinico Sant'Orsola IRCCS, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy.
Cipriani F; Hepatobiliary Surgery Division, 'Vita e Salute' University, Ospedale San Raffaele IRCCS, Milano, Italy.
Fazio F; Department of General and Oncological Surgery, Mauriziano Hospital 'Umberto I', Turin, Italy.
Giuffrida M; Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy.
Ardito F; Hepatobiliary Surgery Unit, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, IRCCS, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.
Dominioni T; Unit of General Surgery 1, University of Pavia and Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy.
Garancini M; School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca, San Gerardo Hospital, Monza, Italy.
Lai Q; General Surgery and Organ Transplantation Unit, Sapienza University of Rome, Umberto I Polyclinic of Rome, Rome, Italy.
Nicolini D; HPB Surgery and Transplantation Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy.
Molfino S; Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy.
Perri P; Division of Hepatobiliarypancreatic Unit, IRCCS - Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy.
Pinotti E; Department of Surgery, Ponte San Pietro Hospital, Bergamo, Italy.
Conci S; Division of General and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgical Sciences, Dentistry, Gynecology and Pediatrics, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Ferrari C; HPB Surgical Unit, San Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.
Zanello M; Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, AOU Sant'Orsola Malpighi, IRCCS at Maggiore Hospital, Bologna, Italy.
Patauner S; Department of General and Pediatric Surgery, Bolzano Central Hospital, Bolzano, Italy.
Zimmitti G; Department of General Surgery, Poliambulanza Foundation Hospital, Brescia, Italy.
Germani P; Division of General Surgery, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, ASUGI, Trieste, Italy.
Chiarelli M; Department of Emergency and Robotic Surgery, ASST Lecco, Lecco, Italy.
Romano M; Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Science (DISCOG), University of Padua, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Unit - Treviso Hospital, Italy.
De Angelis M; Department of General Surgery, Ospedale Carlo Poma, Mantua, Italy.
La Barba G; General and Oncologic Surgery, Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - University of Bologna Forlì, Italy.
Troci A; Department of Surgery, L. Sacco Hospital, Milan, Italy.
Ferraro V; Department of Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary Surgery, Miulli Hospital, Bari, Italy.
Izzo F; Division of Epatobiliary Surgical Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione Pascale-IRCCS di Napoli, Naples, Italy.
Antonucci A; Department of Surgery, Monza Policlinic, Monza, Italy.
Belli A; Division of Epatobiliary Surgical Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione Pascale-IRCCS di Napoli, Naples, Italy.
Memeo R; Department of Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary Surgery, Miulli Hospital, Bari, Italy.
Crespi M; Department of Surgery, L. Sacco Hospital, Milan, Italy.
Ercolani G; General and Oncologic Surgery, Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - University of Bologna Forlì, Italy.
Boccia L; Department of General Surgery, Ospedale Carlo Poma, Mantua, Italy.
Zanus G; Department of Surgical, Oncological and Gastroenterological Science (DISCOG), University of Padua, Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Unit - Treviso Hospital, Italy.
Tarchi P; Division of General Surgery, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, ASUGI, Trieste, Italy.
Hilal MA; Department of General Surgery, Poliambulanza Foundation Hospital, Brescia, Italy.
Frena A; Department of General and Pediatric Surgery, Bolzano Central Hospital, Bolzano, Italy.
Jovine E; Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, AOU Sant'Orsola Malpighi, IRCCS at Maggiore Hospital, Bologna, Italy.
Griseri G; HPB Surgical Unit, San Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy.
Ruzzenente A; Division of General and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Department of Surgical Sciences, Dentistry, Gynecology and Pediatrics, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Zago M; Department of Surgery, Ponte San Pietro Hospital, Bergamo, Italy; Department of Emergency and Robotic Surgery, ASST Lecco, Lecco, Italy.
Grazi G; Division of Hepatobiliarypancreatic Unit, IRCCS - Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Rome, Italy.
Baiocchi GL; Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy.
Vivarelli M; HPB Surgery and Transplantation Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy.
Rossi M; General Surgery and Organ Transplantation Unit, Sapienza University of Rome, Umberto I Polyclinic of Rome, Rome, Italy.
Romano F; School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca, San Gerardo Hospital, Monza, Italy.
Maestri M; Unit of General Surgery 1, University of Pavia and Foundation IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy.
Giuliante F; Hepatobiliary Surgery Unit, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, IRCCS, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.
Valle RD; Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy.
Ferrero A; Department of General and Oncological Surgery, Mauriziano Hospital 'Umberto I', Turin, Italy.
Aldrighetti L; Hepatobiliary Surgery Division, 'Vita e Salute' University, Ospedale San Raffaele IRCCS, Milano, Italy.
De Carlis L; Department of General and Transplant Surgery, Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan-Bicocca, Milan, Italy.
Cescon M; Hepato-biliary Surgery and Transplant Unit, Policlinico Sant'Orsola IRCCS, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy.
Torzilli G; Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Milan, Italy; Department of Hepatobiliary and General Surgery, IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Milan, Italy. Electronic address: guido.torzilli@hunimed.eu.
DB Label
Database : MEDLINE


Updates in surgery [Updates Surg] 2023 Sep; Vol. 75 (6), pp. 1439-1456. Date of Electronic Publication: 2023 Jul 20.
Boggi U; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy. u.boggi@med.unipi.it.
Donisi G; Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Italy.; IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Italy.
Napoli N; Division of General and Transplant Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Partelli S; Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Pancreas Translational and Clinical Research Center, OSR ENETS Center of Excellence, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.; Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, Italy.
Esposito A; General and Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Pancreas Institute, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Ferrari G; Division of Minimally-Invasive Surgical Oncology, ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Milan, Italy.
Butturini G; Department of Surgery, Pederzoli Hospital, Peschiera, Italy.
Morelli L; General Surgery, Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.; EndoCAS (Center for Computer Assisted Surgery), University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.
Abu Hilal M; Department of Surgery, Poliambulanza Foundation Hospital, Brescia, Italy.
Viola M; Department of Surgery, Ospedale Card. G. Panico, Tricase, Italy.
Di Benedetto F; Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation Unit, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy.
Troisi R; Division of HPB Minimally Invasive and Robotic Surgery, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University Hospital, Naples, Italy.
Vivarelli M; Hepatobiliary and Abdominal Transplantation Surgery, Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Riuniti Hospital, Polytechnic University of Marche, Ancona, Italy.
Jovine E; Department of General Surgery, IRCCS, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna, Maggiore Hospital, Bologna, Italy.
Ferrero A; Department of General and Oncological Surgery, 'Umberto I' Mauriziano Hospital, Turin, Italy.
Bracale U; Department Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II University of Naples, Via Pansini 5, 80131, Naples, Italy.
Alfieri S; Digestive Surgery, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, IRCCS, Catholic University, Rome, Italy.
Casadei R; Division of Pancreatic Surgery, Department of Internal Medicine and Surgery (DIMEC), IRCCS, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Bologna Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.
Ercolani G; General and Oncology Surgery, Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital, Forli, Italy.
Moraldi L; Division of Oncologic Surgery and Robotics, Department of Oncology, Careggi University Hospital, Florence, Italy.
Molino C; Department of Oncological Surgery Team 1, 'Antonio Cardarelli' Hospital, Naples, Italy.
Dalla Valle R; Hepatobiliary Surgery Unit Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, Parma, Italy.
Ettorre G; Transplantation Department, S. Camillo-Forlanini Hospital, Rome, Italy.
Memeo R; Department of Hepato-Pancreatic-Biliary Surgery, General Regional Hospital 'F. Miulli', Acquaviva Delle Fonti, Bari, Italy.
Zanus G; 4th Surgery Unit, Azienda ULSS2 Marca Trevigiana, Treviso, Italy.
Belli A; Division of Hepatobiliary Surgical Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori IRCCS Fondazione Pascale-IRCCS di Napoli, Naples, Italy.
Gruttadauria S; Abdominal Surgery and Organ Transplantation Unit, ISMETT, Palermo, Italy.
Brolese A; Department of General Surgery and HPB Unit, Santa Chiara Hospital, Trento, Italy.
Coratti A; USL Toscana Sud Est, Misericordia Hospital, Grosseto, Italy.
Garulli G; General Surgery Unit, Infermi Hospital, Rimini, Italy.
Romagnoli R; Liver Transplant Center-General Surgery 2U, University of Turin, AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Turin, Italy.
Massani M; Department of Surgery, Regional Hospital of Treviso, Treviso, Italy.
Borghi F; IRCCS Candiolo, Turin, Italy.
Belli G; Ospedale Loreto Mare, Naples, Italy.
Coppola R; Department of Surgery, University Campus Bio-Medico of Rome, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, Italy.
Falconi M; Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Pancreas Translational and Clinical Research Center, OSR ENETS Center of Excellence, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy.
Salvia R; General and Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Pancreas Institute, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
Zerbi A; Pancreatic Surgery Unit, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Pieve Emanuele, Italy.
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