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IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항 IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems.
단체저자명 IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Aerospace and Electronic Systems Group.
권.연차 사항 v. AES-1- Aug. 1965-
발행사항[New York,: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers], 1965-.
형태사항v.: ill.; 28 cm.
간행빈도 Bimonthly
축약표제 IEEE trans. aerosp. electron. syst.
등록표제 IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems.
부분표제 Transactions on aerospace and electronic systems.
Aerospace and electronic systems.
ISSN 0018-9251
색인/초록 수록지 Computer & control abstracts, 0036-8113, 1968-
Electrical & electronics abstracts, 0036-8105, 1968-
Excerpta medica
Index to IEEE publications, 0099-1368
Physics abstracts. Science abstracts. Series A, 0036-8091, 1968-
Chemical abstracts, 0009-2258
Engineering index annual (1968), 0360-8557
Engineering index bioengineering abstracts, 0736-6213
Engineering index energy abstracts, 0093-8408
Engineering index monthly (1984), 0742-1974
International aerospace abstracts, 0020-5842
Mathematical reviews, 0025-5629
Nuclear science abstracts, 0029-5612
발행자주기 Issued 1965-72 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Aerospace and Electronic Systems Group; 1973- by the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.
연관저록주기 Formed by the union of IEEE transactions on aerospace, IEEE transactions on space electronics and telemetry, IEEE transactions on aerospace and navigational electronics, and IEEE transactions on military electronics.
일반주제명 Astrionics -- Periodicals.
Electronics in aeronautics -- Periodicals.
Aerospace telemetry -- Periodicals.
Electronics in military engineering -- Periodicals.
분류기호(DDC) 621.38
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