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Essential developmental biology / 4th ed

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Essential developmental biology / Jonathan M.W. Slack, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom, Leslie Dale, University College London, London, United Kingdom
개인저자Slack, J. M. W. (Jonathan Michael Wyndham), 1949- author.
Dale, Leslie, author.
판사항4th ed
발행사항Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2022
형태사항vii, 532 pages. : color illustrations ; 28 cm
일반주기 Revised edition of: Essential developmental biology / Jonathan M.W. Slack. 3rd ed. 2013.
서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
요약"This book presents the basic concepts and facts relating to the developmental biology of animals. It is designed as a core text for undergraduate courses from the first to the fourth year, and also for first year graduate students. It is suitable for both biologically based and medically oriented courses. A basic knowledge of cell and molecular biology is assumed, but no prior knowledge of development, animal structure, or histology should be necessary For this, the fourth edition, the work has two authors. Leslie Dale runs the developmental biology teaching at University College London and has brought his invaluable teaching experience as well as his daily contact with cutting edge research to complement the expertise of the senior author, Jonathan Slack. Two technical advances in particular have been incorporated into the text. The first is single cell transcriptome sequencing which provides a completely new way to observe developmental fate and commitment at a molecular level. The second is CRISPR/Cas9, and other methods for targeted genetic manipulation, that have hugely extended the range of what can be done. The book is arranged in four sections and the order of topics is intended to represent a logical progression. The first section introduces the basic concepts and techniques. Chapter 2 "How Development Works" is intended as a very brief summary of developmental mechanisms suitable for introductory lectures. We have moved the biochemistry of signaling systems, formerly in the appendix, into Chapter 4. So now the theoretical concepts of experimental embryology are presented together with the molecular pathways that underlie them. Section 1 also contains a new chapter on "Cells into Tissues" dealing with the fundamentals of morphogenesis and the underpinning role of cell contacts and the cytoskeleton. In other works, this topic is often fragmented among many individual examples and loses its coherence"--
해제Provided by publisher.
일반주제명Developmental biology --Laboratory manuals.
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