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Figures of the future [electronic resource] : Latino civil rights and the politics of demographic change

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서명/저자사항Figures of the future [electronic resource]: Latino civil rights and the politics of demographic change / Michael Rodriguez-Muniz.
개인저자Rodriguez-Muniz, Michael, author.
발행사항Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2021,c2021
형태사항1 online resource (xx, 284 p.) : Illustrations

서지주기Includes bibliographical references (pages 223-276) and index.
내용주기Introduction -- Past. Demographic futures past ; Strength in numbers -- Future. A new American reality ; Awakening a giant ; Dreams deferred -- Present. Reaction and reversal ; Conclusion.
요약This book takes an in-depth look at how U.S. Latino advocacy groups are using ethnoracial demographic projections to bring about political change in the present.
요약An in-depth look at how U.S. Latino advocacy groups are using ethnoracial demographic projections to bring about political change in the present For years, newspaper headlines, partisan speeches, academic research, and even comedy routines have communicated that the United States is undergoing a profound demographic transformation-one that will purportedly change the "face" of the country in a matter of decades. But the so-called browning of America, sociologist Michael Rodri?guez-Mun?iz contends, has less to do with the complexion of growing populations than with past and present struggles shaping how demographic trends are popularly imagined and experienced. Offering an original and timely window into these struggles, Figures of the Future explores the population politics of national Latino civil rights groups. Based on eight years of ethnographic and qualitative research, spanning both the Obama and Trump administrations, this book investigates how several of the most prominent of these organizations-including UnidosUS (formerly NCLR), the League of United Latin American Citizens, and Voto Latino-have mobilized demographic data about the Latino population in dogged pursuit of political recognition and influence. In census promotions, get-out-the-vote campaigns, and policy advocacy, this knowledge has been infused with meaning, variously serving as future-oriented sources of inspiration, emblems for identification, and weapons for contestation. At the same time, Rodri?guez-Mun?iz considers why these political actors have struggled to translate this demographic growth into tangible political gain and how concerns about white backlash have affected how they forecast demographic futures. Figures of the Future looks closely at the politics surrounding ethnoracial demographic changes and their rising influence in U.S. public debate and discourse.
주제명(지명)United States. --fast
일반주제명Hispanic Americans --United States.
Civil rights --United States.
Hispanic Americans --Politics and government.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Ethnic Studies / Hispanic American Studies
Civil rights.
Hispanic Americans.
Hispanic Americans --Politics and government.
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