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Hate in the Homeland [electronic resource] : The New Global Far Right

상세 프로파일

서명/저자사항Hate in the Homeland [electronic resource]: The New Global Far Right / Cynthia Miller-Idriss ; with a new preface by the author.
개인저자Miller-Idriss, Cynthia, author.
발행사항Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2022,c2020
형태사항1 online resource (288 p.)
요약A startling look at the unexpected places where violent hate groups recruit young peopleHate crimes. Misinformation and conspiracy theories. Foiled white-supremacist plots. The signs of growing far-right extremism are all around us, and communities across America and around the globe are struggling to understand how so many people are being radicalized and why they are increasingly attracted to violent movements. Hate in the Homeland shows how tomorrow's far-right nationalists are being recruited in surprising places, from college campuses and mixed martial arts gyms to clothing stores, online gaming chat rooms, and YouTube cooking channels.Instead of focusing on the how and why of far-right radicalization, Cynthia Miller-Idriss seeks answers in the physical and virtual spaces where hate is cultivated. Where does the far right do its recruiting? When do young people encounter extremist messaging in their everyday lives? Miller-Idriss shows how far-right groups are swelling their ranks and developing their cultural, intellectual, and financial capacities in a variety of mainstream settings. She demonstrates how young people on the margins of our communities are targeted in these settings, and how the path to radicalization is a nuanced process of moving in and out of far-right scenes throughout adolescence and adulthood.Hate in the Homeland is essential for understanding the tactics and underlying ideas of modern far-right extremism. This eye-opening book takes readers into the mainstream places and spaces where today's far right is engaging and ensnaring young people, and reveals innovative strategies we can use to combat extremist radicalization.
일반주제명Hate --Political aspects.
Right-wing extremists.
White supremacy movements.
Haine --Aspect politique.
Extre?mistes de droite.
Mouvements pour la supre?matie blanche.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General.
Hate --Political aspects.
Right-wing extremists.
White supremacy movements.
비통제주제어14 words.Aryan Nations.Bring the War Home.Cas Mudde.David Lane.David Myatt.Great Replacement.Hitler.Kathleen Belew.PewDiePie.Southern Poverty Law Center.The Far Right Today.The White Power Movement and Paramilitary America.alt right.anti-Semitism.combatting extremism.domestic extremism.extremist identities.fourteen words.mainstreaming of extremism.modern far right.neo-Nazi.normalization of extremism.online radicalization.race war.racism.violence.white nationalism.white supremacist extremism.white supremacy.youth radicalization.
언어In English.
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